21-10-1999 I haven't updated my site in quite a while. I have been quite
busy with my new job, plus moving into a unit that I bought and studying.
I have now completed a Master Novell Certified Engineer qualification in
Windows NT / Novell Intergration, and am progressing to completing a Microsft
MCSE certification. I am currently studing for theMS TCP/IP exam.
There are a heap of new Car games out and demo's. I have collected
all the news for the updates over the last few months but have not got
around to updating the site as I haven't had the time or energy.
I am looking at either closing down (Just leaving the site as is) or
if I can find someone (Preferably another games site which is into Motor
Sports, or just a general games / 3D site) interested in updating the site.
I would supply them with all the website contents and the news files I
have collected if they wanted them. All I ask is that you keep it up to
date, give me some credit for creating the site with a history page stating
I developed the site from January 1997 to October / November 1999 (possibly
put a Picture with it and email address). Finally, if you do start making
some money from this site, I would appreciate a small percentage, for all
the time I have put into creating the site.
So if you think you / or your website are up to it, email me at dboard@globec.com.au,
and I will review your email and choose someone.
Once someone has been found, I will adjust this site plus my original
site (http://www.globec.com.au/~dboard) to point to the new location.
One other thing, I would like this site to end up with a proper domain
name, something like www.3ddriving.com. So if you have a nice domain, or
could get one that would be a bonus.
And on the mater of gaming, I just bought Driver, its a great game -
just lacking network play (Maybe a patch will come out to give this feature).
The police AI is absolutely fantastic. Check out the demo if you haven't
already, you'll have a real laugh!
22-07-1999 Finally, I felt like doing a site update. So Here it is. I passed
both my NT Server and Workstation Exam, I scored 966 out of 1000 for NT
Workstation, and received a credit for Networking Essentials. I have also
sat and passed the Novell exam for NT Novell Intergration, I scored 746
out of 800 for the exam. For the last week and a half I have taken it easy
and not done any study, but that should change soon. (Only two exams off
my Master CNE, and three off my MCSE).
I also got a new job, which I start in just over a week. The position
is Senior LAN Support Officer at CITEC (www.citec.com.au).
So things will be busy again soon.
Car game Updates - added demo of Castrol Honda Superbike Worldchamp's
2000, added Need for Speed 4 car Ferrari 360 Modena, added TOCA 2 patch,
added Voodoo3 Patch link for NFS3 and NFS4, added Thrust, Twist and Turn
patch, Added GP500 Movie link, added Castrol Honda 2000 game info and screenshots,
added an A2 Racer 2 page with a link to an A2 Racer 2 site (Thanks to Vincent
Voois), added Dukes of Hazard game page (Thanks to Danny East, the great
guy who sent me a copy of the sports car compact review of my site), updated
link to the All Racing Simulations Homepage thanks to Maikel Rozemeijer
the site developer (http://www.onlineracing.de/),
updated my link to Australian Sim Racer Site (Carnrat's Page), added link
to 3dfiles TOCA 2 demo page (incase links break to the demo's), added link
to 3dfiles site for NFS3 demo incase links are broken, added Need For Speed:
Motor City page, added Jeremy McGrath Supercross 2000 page, added Test
Drive 6 page, Added Test Drive Offroad 3 page.
There were some more patches to add to the page but I think I have had
enough for tonight. I think I will also just delete all the old news files
that I have not gone through and only add new games / screenshots / demo's
and patches. From now on I don't think I will bother sifting through news
files for links to reviews. I may add one or two review links, but not
all of them (Check NFS 3 page if you want to see what I mean).
Well, a lot has happened since I last updated (Many new car games and demo's
as well as I have been very busy). I have attended the Windows NT 4 Administration
Course and Supporting Windows NT 4 Core Technologies course, I have completed
the last exam to get my Netware 4 and 5 CNE's (Service and Support, I self
studied this), I went on two weeks holidays to Tasmania (At the bottom
of Australia for those who don't know, its really a very large Island /
State, look at a map if your not sure). After coming back from my two weeks
holidays I studied the subject material for my last Novell exam and then
just over a week ago I at the service and support exam.
On Tuesday next week I am booked in for my Microsoft NT Server Exam,
so I will have to study this weekend. After this I will have a Microsoft
Certified Professional (MCP) Qualification, as my Novell CNE qualifications
give me a credit for the Microsoft Networking Essentials Exam. I am also
attending the Novell Course, IntraNetware: Intergrating Windows NT next
week. After I sit for the Novell exam for this course, I will study for
my MS Nt Workstation exam. Once I pass this one I will get the books for
two more Novell Courses / Subjects, InterNetworking Fundamentals and Netware
TCP/IP. Once I sit the exams for these two subjects I will have a Novell
Master CNE in NT Intergration with Netware.
So to sum up my qualifications, I now have a IntraNetware CNA, Netware
5 CNA, IntraNetware CNE, Netware 5 CNE and by Tuesday next week should
also have a Microsoft MCP. I should have a Master CNE in about two months
or less. After this I will finish off the three remaining subjects to get
a MCSE, NT 4 Enterprise and two electives.
So if you read all of that you will understand why I haven't felt like
or got around to doing many updates on my site (Actually its close to two
months since I last updated). So now I will do some updates for all you
people who loving racing games (I highly recommend trying out the new demo
Re-Volt, you get to drive little remote control cars, really cool!). I
also upgraded my PC to a Celeron 400 with an Abit BX6 rev 2 motherboard.
SITE UPDATES - Added new game / demo Breakneck (Although this game maybe
the same as NICE2), Added Nascar Racing Online page and Game (Demo), added
Need For Speed 4 (High Stakes) demo, added Official Formula 1 Racing page
and demo (Thanks to John Hannaford and the others who emailed me about
this game), added Re-Volt game demo (very cool), added Tanaka Page and
demo, added Thrust Twist and Turn Demo (TTT), added link to two Fan's racing
game site on my Other Driving games site page, updated link to Mark Rael's
TOCA 2 site (TOCA2 Players Guide), added some info on Mars Maniacs version
.99 demo, added new section on my main page - Online Racing Sites - for
Internet racing game players, Added link to Online Racing (Germany, thanks
to Claus Müller for emailing me his address) to my Online Racing
Sites page, Updated my PC configuration page (Hardware / Software), updated
name of Hotwheels game (Thanks to Denny Parsons for the email), added link
to a TOCA 2 review (Thanks to Nicola of Gamespot UK for the link), created
separate page for GP500 (This is different to GP500ccm, one is made by
Microprose, the other by Ascaron a German company). Thanks to Kevin Burfitt
for the email about GP500.
I Still haven't gone through the news I have collected from the 12th
of February till now, and I haven't added links to the atleast 11 new patches
as well as some other new games. Hopefully my next update won't be to long
from now. But thats all for tonight, its 12:05 and I need to go to bed.
19-04-1999 I have sat and Parsed two Novell Exam's since doing my last
update (So I have been very busy studying lately and haven't had a chance
to do any updates). I passed at the end of last month Network Technologies
and Today I passed the Netware 4.11 to 5 Update exam. On the 70 question
Novell exam I sat today I Scored 757 out of 800 (94.6%). This was a very
good result as 662 was the pass mark for a CNE and about 721 is the pass
mark for a CNI (Certified Novell Instructor). So I was well pleased.
I have only one Novell Exam left, Service and Support, after this
I will receive both a Netware 4.11 CNE and a Netware 5 CNE. I am also about
to start on my MCP (Microsoft Certified Professional), which I will probably
take to a MCSE (The next level like going from a Novell CNA to a CNE).
I also have my Novell Intranetware and NT Intergration course booked which
will be my second subject on the way to a Master CNE (I will only have
two more subjects left after this course to become a Master CNE). Anyway,
enough about what I have been doing, I better update my page for all you
Racing Maniacs out there.
I have been collecting news files for quite a while now (and not been
adding the info to my site :-( ). I currently have news files going
back to the 15/2/1999 (Australian Date Format). So there are a lot of links
to add. I did try to add some demo links (which was my update on the 22/3/1999
so that you would not be totally lost for new downloads). Anyway, off I
go to the real updates (Demo's / Patches first and if time some of those
links starting from the 15/2/1999).
Added Mars Maniacs Demo's (New and Older Version) (Thanks to Poul David
Videbaek of the Church of Electronic Entertainment for informing me of
this back on the 4th of April, by the way this is a demo well worth trying!),
added patch for the original Mars Maniacs demo (115kb), added OpenGL Dirt
Bike 3D demo, Added Grand Touring Patch, Added Boss Rally Page, Added info
about playing Gran Turismo on your PC to my page (Thanks to Mike Dawkins
for emailing me, but I already knew about this one as I keep an eye on
the emulator scene in general), Added Gran Turismo 2 Page, removed Screamer
4 page as I was informed that this is actually Sports Car GT (They had
a name change), added new game Full Auto, added some Le Man's 24hours racing
screenshots, Added some more info on Le Man's 24 hrs racing, added new
Monaco Grand Prix Racing Simulation 2 patch (V1.06 and 1.05), added V-Rally
Demo, Added V-Rally Screenshots, Added V-Rally Game info (It took over
two years to make it to the PC from its original release anouncement).
There were a few more patches (Viper Racing, Test Drive 5, Powerslide,
Motorhead etc.) but I will add these when I next get a chance to do an
update. Till next time, enjoy!
22-03-1999 I should get a chance this Thursday to do a fair bit of site
updates, but as usual I have been busy lately and so haven't felt like
updating my site much. But I had a few requests for links to be added to
different game sites, so I will quickly add them tonight and do the rest
hopefully on Thursday if nothing major turn's up.
Added Toca 2 site link (Thanks to Mark for telling me about his
site), added link to gamespot's driver preview, added link to gamespot's
driver playtest, added two new Nascar 3 shots (and removed the old one
which was a Nascar 99 screenshot), added link to a Nascar 3 site (Thanks
to Patrick Swisher for the link), added another Nascar 3 link, there are
some NFS 4 video clips at nfscheats.com
(if you haven't already looked at them), added Mars Maniacs Screenshots
and link to developers site (Thanks to the guy's from C. of E.E. for the
pictures and link), Added Screamer 4 / Screamer Rally 3 page (Thanks to
Michal Sikora for the info), added link to the Rally 99 Players Zone site
(Thanks to Keith Quinton for the info), added Sports Car GT Demo, added
Sports Car GT movie links, added link to Ben Gregory's track attack site,
Added link to some V-Rally information (Thanks to Kenneth Jørgensen,
the game may make it to the PC after all) P.S. if someone could translate
the info I would be greatful, added Tank Racer Demo, added Jeff Gordon
Racing demo, added link to a Jeff Gordon Racing movie clip, added Roadwars
demo, added Win95 Patch for the roadwars demo.
More to come hopefully on Thursday (If I have time, I don't get paid
for this site, so I normally only update when I feel like updating). Enjoy!!!
17-02-1999 I passed my fifth Novell Exam last week on Monday, so that means
I only have two more to get my Novell
IntraNetware CNE, I will then be doing the Update to Netware 5 so I
will be a Netware 5 CNE. After this I might look at the Microsoft MCSE
or Cisco CCNA training. But I have been taking it easy the last few days
and so I have only just felt like doing an update today. So here I go,
and you will be happy to know there are about 4 new demo's out, so you
can madly download them and go play!
Thanks to all the people who informed me about AMA superbikes as
well, by the end of this update I should have a page for the game.
One other thing, I have back graded to Netscape 4.05 for my site editor
as the later versions were putting extra line breaks all over the pages
I edited, creating big empty gaps on my site. Version 4.05 does not have
this bug. Is there a fix for this?
Added 3dracing.com to my other driving games page (the link to this
page is just under my logo on the main page), added new Superbike World
Championship Demo, added Rollcage Demo, Added rollcage description, added
Extreme Trial Motocross page, Added Extreme Trial Motocross demo, there
is a 3rd Patch for NFS3 which can be downloaded with the Autopatcher from
Electronic Arts, added Viper Racing Game Patch, added Redline Demo, added
Speed Busters Skin Editor, added Monaco GP2 Patch version 1.04, Direct
X 6.1 has been officially released (get
it from this link), added link to a newer version of the NFS 3 track
editor, added NFS 3 car editor, added Redline preview link, added SCARS
review link, added Speed Busters review link, added link to Rally Championship
99 interview (with Lead Producer), added Test Drive 5 review link, added
two moto racer 2 review links, added three viper racing review links, added
TOCA 2 preview link, added Powerslide review link, added interstate 82
preview link, added Grand Prix Legends review link, added another 3 Speed
Buster review links, added Test Drive Offroad 2 review link, added another
two SCARS review links, added another Nascar 99 review link, added Link
to a Preview of Nascar 3 / Nascar 2000, added two Deth Karz review links,
added Superbike World Championship preview link, added another TD5 review
link, added another Test Drive Offroad 2 review link, added Newman/Hass
racing review link, added two Powerslide racing review links, added MS
Midtown Madness review link, added Rollcage Preview link, added another
GPL review link, added a Link to the Deth Karz Garage site, added Deth
Karz skin editor, added link to a Nascar Revolution Interview with the
game designers, added another Speed Busters review link, added link to
a Rally Championship 99 screenshots page, addded link to MS Midtown Madness
screenshots page, added new car for Deth Karz, added link to a Deth Karz
site by Halfmoon, added details to my NFS 4 page, added some info about
the development status of Interstate 82, added another Viper Racing review
link, added link to a Monaco Grand Prix racing 2 review, added another
link to a powerslide review, added another Deth Karz review link, added
two links to NFS 3 sites, added another Test Drive 5 review link, added
another Test Drive Offroad 2 review link, added link to a Viper Racing
multplayer game site for organising online racing sessions, added link
to a Nascar 99 review, added link to another Speed Busters review, added
preview link to Sports Car GT page, added Interview link to Sports Car
GT page, added link to NFS 3 patches FTP site at EA, added a NFS 3 review
link (and you thought you had read all those reviews (this has to be about
the 30th or so review done on the Internet!!)), added review link to my
Gran Turismo page, added roll cage preview link, added link to a preview
of Jeff Gordon XS racing, added new Jeff Gordon XS racing screenshots,
Added link to a Sports Car GT site with screenshots, added Sports Car GT
screenshot to my page, added another Speedbusters review link, added Ulti,mate
Race Pro review link, added link to Interview with Redline developers,
added link to another two Deth Karz reviews, added another two Powerslide
review links, added TOCA 2 preview link, added another two Powerslide review
links, added Grand Touring Cheats, added NFS 2 to NFS 3 car converter
to my NFS 3 page, added another Rally Championship 99 preview link, added
patches for Speed Buster to allow unlimited Nitro, more Cash, and allow
access to all cars / tracks, added another four Speed Busters review links,
added link to review of the redline demo, added link to another preview
of Redline, added another two Nascar 99 review links, added a Snow Mobile
racing review link, added Link to Nascar Revolution Screenshots page, Added
link to an Interview with the makers of Nascar Revolution, added two NFS
4 preview links, added Pictures from the Playstation version of NFS 4 to
my NFS 4 page, added new link to the Screamer Rally Voodoo 2 patch as the
old ones were broken, added Moto Racer 2 patch, Fixed up some broken links
on my Moto Racer Page, Added about 15 new links to the Moto Racer page,
added AMA Superbikes page, Added Colin Mcrae Rally 2 page (Thanks to David
Dupplaw for the info), Added some Javascript to my buttons so that the
images should preload and be there for when you move your mouse over the
buttons so that they appear as being pressed down (Thanks to my best friend
Kim Groves for the java script code, it saved me having to look for the
code :-)), added new link to the Andretti Racing patch to add Glide and
H3d support (the old ones were broken), I got an email from Bernd Almstedt
(Business Development Manager for Grand Prix 500ccm) who stated that this
game should be out in April/May 1999, added Le Mans page, added Grand Prix
3 page, added some more info about Rally Masters, added Road Wars game
info and screenshots, added Speed Boat Attack patch, added a new link to
the Microsoft Monster Truck Madness demo, added Grand Touring Cars patch,
a whole heap of carmageddon cheats are available at http://cfc.allgames.com/,
I also added quite a few more review links but got sick of adding them
to my news page.
01-02-1999 I have been very busy at work lately, I have been learning Visual
Basic (actually its quite easy), started studying for my fifth Novell Exam,
which I am sitting in just over a weeks time (so I may not do to many updates
next week, thats no different then my current page update schedule, ie
when ever I feel like it).
Anyway, here is a page update, so yes I am still alive if you were
wondering. This year looks like it will be another busy year in the driving
games scene with quite a few new releases. All I will say is Start Your
Added TOCA 2 Demo, added link to the Offical Hard Trucks site (Thanks
to Gerald Scheffer for the email), As you may have noticed I got rid of
my Midi file as it had been the same one for over two years (I also did
some redecorating) so there you go Sami Saarinen I got rid of it as it
was annoying you (and me for that fact), Added link to Chris Slusarski
Nascar 3 site, added a local copy of the Wheelspin.zip file for Grand Prix
Legends as someone had problems with the link I had to the file at 3dracing.allgames.com,
added Moto Racer 2 tracks created by Stefan Cederrvall-Viding, Added Castrol
Honda Superbike game patch, added Powerslide Patch, added Road Wars Page,
Added Ms Midtown Madness page, added F1 Racing Simulation 3 page, added
Castrol Honda Superbikes 2 Page, Added Forumla 1 98 Page, Added Johny Herberts
Racing 99 page, added Lamborghini page, added Stadium Grand Prix page,
added Need For Speed 4 page.
One other thing, I have some screenshots for a game which I believe
is called AMA Superbikes (possibly by a company called MSI), does anyone
know if this is indeed another Superbike racing game, as I seem to have
lost my Information relating to these screenshots. If it is does anyone
have some info or a URL to a site that has info on this game, I will add
the screenshots to a page called ama superbikes next time I do an update
if know one can tell me between now and say next weekend.
I will have to fill in the contents of these pages during my next site
update (If I can get a day off of work this week I may do it then, as well
as study for my Novell Exam). I work for a Government Agency currently,
and we get Banked Days (we have to work the time to cover that day, but
we can then use the banked time to have a day off). Anyway this update
was just a quick one so you could get some new downloads.
05-01-1999 Fixed up image for the All Racing Simulation Homepage so that
the image is not shrunk, I now have a Domain (well a free one anyway) -
The URL is p3d.url4life.com , so
you should be able to access my site with less key strokes, added new Speed
Busters Demo, added Link to the Tony Stewart Fan Club page (also contains
general Motor Sport gaming site links) on my other Driving games site page,
added Rally Masters page, added new Multiplayer Motorhead demo, added Grand
Prix 500 ccm Game Demo, added Redline Demo, there are a whole heap of new
cars over at 3dracing.allgames.com for NFS 3 (including a Batman Car),
3D racing mania have put up a good NFS3 track editor (listed on my NFS
3 page), added new Ignition patch for Voodoo 2 cards, added Johnny Herbert
Grand Prix Patch for force feedback support, added Monaco Grand Prix Racing
patch (R103) Direct 3D and 3DFX patches, I have also added the titles of
some new upcoming games which I will fill in the details later, Added Dirt
Bike 3D page and demo, and I may have added a few more bits but my
PC crashed during my page updates and I had not saved my news page for
a bit so lost a few entries. Oh well :(
Anyway I haven't done some updates for a while as I have been on
a holiday (from work for 10 days). It was actually around home but I was
playing with Linux (recompiling kernels etc.) to get it to support my 16mb
Banshee 3DFX card and could not be bothered updating the page. But here
you have it, an update! I have yet to go through news that I have collected
from the 12th of December 1998 and get all the driving game review links
from them. If you are after the latest Driving game info in the mean time,
try 3dracing.allgames.com or
Cheers! Oh, and don't forget my new URL (the old one still works but is
much longer) http://p3d.url4life.com
30-12-1998 Fixed up the big gap between my news scroller and the new driving
games section.
20-12-1998 Well I have been busy working and studying (and being sick)
over the last few weeks so I haven't done many updates. But today I am
so here are the updates:
I changed my background (still a picture of the same game, but a
different screen shot on my main page, I got sick of the old one), added
Snow Mobile Racing page, added two Test Driver offroad 2 review links,
added Rally Championship 99 page, added Nascar 99 Demo, added Deth Karz
review link, added an Interstate 82 preview link, added updated Power Slide
Demo (which has a special mode for 3DFX Banshee cards until their glide
texture map problem is fixed (I also tried running the game with the -D3D
paramter, this lets me run the game at 1280x1024 (glide for this game only
goes to 1024x768)), added Microsoft Motocross Madness Holiday Track Pack,
added a Nascar 99 review link, added two Test Drive 5 review links, added
Test Drive 5 cheats, 3Dracing.allgames.com
has a hack to allow you to race all of the Tracks in Test Drive Offroad
2 and all the trucks, added a Speed Busters Review Link, added International
Rally Championship patch version 4.8, added link to new car download for
NFS3 - The Lister Storm, added a viper racing review link, added excessive
speed page, added hacked NFS3 video card drivers to speed the game up,
updated my link to the All Racing Simulation Link Page on my other driving
game sites page (Thanks to Maikel Rozemeijer the site owner for informing
me he has moved sites), added Burnout Players Choice Patch 2.03, and I
added a game page for No Fear Mountain bike racing.
My news only really covers from the 7-12-98 to 13-12-98, I'll have to
go collect the news from after these dates and add them to my page.
07-12-1998 I passed my 4th Novell Exam Last Friday (IntraNetware Design
and Implementation (I got 100%!!)) so I now only have 3 exams to get my
Novell CNE Certification. I have been quite busy lately as we have been
moving buildings at work and we have overhauled our NDS Design and Email
system at the same time as moving buildings. I have been working on Saturdays
for the last 3 weeks, so thats why I haven't had much time to do page updates.
Enough said, back to the updates for all you Racing Guru's!
Added another MTM 2 game patch link, added another Test Drive Offroad
2 Demo link, added another NFS 3 game review link, added two Grand Prix
Legends game review links, added Nascar 99 game review link, added Moto
Racer 2 screenshots link, added Motorhead Preview link, added Deth Karz
Cheats, added SCARS game cheats, added SCARS review link, added Speed Busters
Preview link, added Colin McRae Rally Demo, added another NFS 3 review
link, added a Test Drive Offroad 2 review link, a Carmageddon 2 patch is
available from this
link, added Test Drive 5 review link, added another link to the NFS
Autopatcher Program (I recommend getting this and patching your NFS3 as
it fixed a problem I had with the game crashing when in Directsound 3D
after every second race), added another Motorhead 2.1 patch link, added
Viper Racing Review link, Speed Busters and Powerslide have both shipped
(that is they should be available to buy right now!), added another three
Test Drive 5 demo links, added new game Sports Car GT, added new game Hot
Wheels Stunt Truck Driver, added Monaco Grand Prix Racing 2 review link,
Moto Racer 2 has also shipped, added a Moto Racer 2 review link, added
another two Viper Racing review links, added another four Moto Racer 2
review links, added another Test Drive Offroad 2 review link, added Monaco
Grand Prix Racing 2 game patches, added link to two interviews with the
Powerslide developers, added another Monaco GPRS 2 review link, added a
link to a Viper Racing Screenshots page, added link to the new official
Powerslide Web Site, there are some new NFS 3 Crs (lots actually) over
at 3Dracing.allgames.com, there are also some new TD5 cars and Motor Cross
Madness tracks over at 3Dracing as well, added new Game Nascar Revolution
and Demo for this game, added some more links to Colin Mcrae Rally patch
download sites, removed my link to the possible new cars for NHRA Drag
racing (Thanks to Terry McMurtury for informing me that they were for Burnout),
added Touring Car Challenge page thanks to Peter and Robin Scandrett for
this info (well the URL to the site anyway), added some more Monarco GP
Racing Simulation screenshots, added another Monaco GPRS2 review link,
added Grand Touring Review link, added another Test Drive Offroad 2 review
links, added another TD5 review link, added another Viper Racing review
link, added an I82 preview link, added a Motor Cross Madness review link,
and finally I added a link to a Mad Trax review.
One of the Guy's from Work wanted me to put his name on my page, his
name is Scott Martin (he thought he found a broken link on my "other driving
game sites" page, but I tested it and it turned out to be our Proxy Server
at work, who's cache had not flushed and old copy of the page from its
cache, the link was not broken) so there you go Scott, your name has been
mentioned on my page!
26-11-1998 Added new MTM 2 game patch, added new Moto Racer 2 Demo, added
Motorhead patch version 2.1, added Test Drive Offroad 2 Demo, added Test
Drive 5 demo, added Need For Speed 3 patch, added page with screenshots
of new game called roll cage.
16-11-1998 Added four links to a Grand Prix Legends reviews, added
Powerslide preview link, added Grand Prix Legends interview with Author's
link, added link to PC Sports Games Trans Am racing screenshots page, added
two Nascar 99 Preview links, added link to Professional Sports Car Racing
info page and a screenshots page, added link to a Grand Prix Legends game
guide over at 3dracing.allagames.com (an affiliate site), added another
link to the Burnout 2.02 patch, added Formula 1 97 Champion Edition game
review link, added SCARS preview link, added Grand Touring Cars preview
link, added two Newman Hass game review links, added another four NFS 3
Review links, added Viper Racing review link, added Test Drive 2 Offroad
review link, added two Deth Karz review links, added Test Drive 5 review
link, added link to Johnny Herberts GP World Champions review, added
NHRA Drag racing review link, added new Monster Truck Madness 2 car, added
Grand Prix Legeneds OpenGL driver for the demo, added Xracing.com to my
other driving games sites, Added link to new Motor Cross Madness tracks
page, added Colin Mcrae Rally Review link, added another powerslide preview
link, added Motor Cross madness review link, added Redline Racer review
link, added Jeoff Gordan racing links to info and screenshots, added new
Colin Mcrae Rally demo which fixes many bug's, Added new S.C.A.R.S. demo,
added some Nascar 3 info thanks to someone called Lynn Crane, updated developers
name for Superbike World Championship, added link to Colin Mcrae Rally's
players zone, added link to Dreamers Racing to my other driving games sites.
12-11-1998 Moved some of my older news to my old news page, added
more links to the Mad Traxx Demo (These links could be to a slightly newer
version of the demo (from 3dfiles.com) then the one added on my last update,
added new demo for game Newman Haas racing, added new game Midnight
GT Racing, added link to Jonatan Antonson Game's Page on my other driving
games site (he's one of my site fan's who contributes lots of info), added
A2 Racer and A2 Racer 2 to my older driving games section (Thanks to Pacor
Lederwaren of the Netherlands for the info and screenshots). I still haven't
gone through all the news from the 24/10/1998 but I may get a chance next
03-11-1998 Added the All Racing Simulation Homepage site to my other driving
games section on the main contents page (Thanks to Maikel Rozemeijer the
owner of this site), added new Mad Traxx Game demo, added new Grand Touring
demo, added link to three TOCA pages, Added link to SimRacingNews in my
other driving games section, Added link to Stealth Racing in my other driving
games section, added link to a Colin Mcrae Rally site, added link to a
Screamer / Screamer 2 / Screamer Rally site, Added two links to Moto Racer
sites, added link to an F1 Racing Simulation Site, added link to a Grand
Prix Legends site, added Colin Mcrae Rally Cheats, added another NFS 3
cheat code (Jag), there are a heap of NFS 3 Cars over at 3dracing.allgames.com
(An Affiliate site) - I have added a link to the cars section to my NFS
3 page, added link to download location for new NFS 3 car Ferrari 456 Maranello,
added Ultimate Race Pro patch version 1.4 (Now supports 800x600 for 3DFX
cards and EAX sound for Creative Labs new 3D sound cards), re added Nascar
99 page as I found out that Nascar 3 is going to be Nascar 2000 and that
their is a separate product called Nascar 99 by the same company Papyrus
(Thanks to ShaqGoogs (don't have your proper name, sorry)), added new Nascar
99 screenshot and a short description from pcsportsgame.com, added Burnout
Players Choice Edition Patch 2.02, added three new 800 x 600 Powerslide
screenshots and some instructions on how to use the Apollo cheat mode in
the Powerslide demo (Thanks to Glenn Davidson
Ratbag Games (lead artist)). I also added a GP Legends wheel spin hack.
I Also have news to go through and pick out links from the 24/10/1998
but I will have to go through those another time. Its getting to late and
I have to go to work tomorrow.
26-10-1998 There is a new Grand Prix Legends demo, Also my site is entered
into the Site fights this week (so your votes count this week, therefore
go vote for me now!!). You can get to the vote form from my main page under
my logo, just click on the picture. All you need to enter is your email
address and choose my site from their list.
25-10-1998 I got my 16mb 3DFX Banshee (Quantum 3D) last Tuesday and have
been playing around with this as well as an Aureal 3D PCI Sound Card.
I have played Sanfrancisco Rush: The Rock. While the graphics are great
(Well really great at 1280 x 1024) and the speed is not bad on my P200
MMX, the game play is no where near as good as NFS 3. NFS 3 also looks
great at 1024 x 768 (it doesn't seem to support 1280 x 1024). Anyway, lets
get back to the news.
After doing a little bit of research I now believe that Nascar 99
and Nascar 3 are the same product, so I am re-integrating the game pages
for these (plus I got an email from a Fan), if this is incorrect please
email me and tell me who the developers are for the games. I also removed
the TOCA Championship Racing page as it is only the US version of TOCA
Touring Car Championship which has been available for quite a while in
the rest of the world.
My site was also added to 3dracing.allgames.com's
links section. Thanks Guy's!!
Added a Colin Mcrae Rally review, added another four NFS 3 reviews,
a multiplayer patch for Wipeout 2097 is now available and it has been added
to my Wipeout page, added a few more links to the Virgin Superbike patch
(Once again Thanks to Ron Almond for telling me, I informed the other gaming
sites and gave 3dracing.allgames a copy and the patch spread pretty quick
from there), added a NFS3 3DFX Banshee patch, added some new Powerslide
Screenshots thanks to Glenn Davidson of Ratbag Games, added link to two
Powerslide Previews, added link to the developers site of Professional
SportsCar Racing, added link to Grand Prox Legends review, added Burnout
Players Choice patch, a non official NFS 3 car has been released by a group
of people designing a TOCA conversion for NFS 3 cars (I have added a link
to their site), added Test Drive Offroad 2 preview link, added link to
another Interstate 82 screenshot, added link to an Interview with the NFS
3 product manager, added link to two SCARS previews, added link to a Hard
Truck review, added Colin Mcrae Rally Patches for the European and Italian
Version of the games (Thanks to Mark Reynolds for emailing me about this
patch), Monster Mania has posted
some new cars for MTM 2 (a link to their site is on my MTM 2 page), added
link to some new Powerslide Screenshots at 3Dracing.allgames, added link
to Trans Am Racing info page at 3dracing.allgames, added picture to the
Jeff Gordon racing page, Added link to official Jeff Gordon Racing site.