(NB: V) Battle of Raab - June 14, 1809 (Chris Collins)

V.0: Having fallen back into Hungary to unite with the Archduke Palatine of Hungary with his Insurrection troops, Archduke John was forced to adopt a defensive position outside the Raab fortress after Eugene and the Army of Italy quickly appeared in front of his position.

V.1: MAP: The Raab Battlefield.

raabmap.gif (20428 bytes)

V.1.1: River Pancza impassable by artillery or Cavalry except by ford on light blue portion or by bridge.
V.1.2: A ford exists in the light blue section of the River Pancza. 6 chits should be placed down randomly with one representing the ford. Any French unit that remains undisordered for a turn by a chit will turn it over.
V.1.3: Kis-Meyger is a +3 fortified building (holds 1 brigade maximum). The town of Szabadhegy (SW of Szabadhegy Plateau) is +2 unfortified. All others are +1 unfortified.


Eugene 13" G(10)+1 [14M]
Archduke John 12"G(10)+0 [11M]
(2) CORPS GRENIER (G): Grenier 7"G(7)+1 [4F]
(1) FIRST DIVISION (1/G): Seras 3"G(5)+0
1B/1/G: 16FrLN [8D],
2B/1/G: 20FrLN [10D],
3B/1/G: 20FrLN [10D],
4B/1/G: 12FrLC [6D],
1/G: Fr 8#
(1) SECOND DIVISION (2/G): Durutte 3"A(6)+1
1B/2/G: 16FrLN [8D],
2B/2/G: 16FrLN [8D],
3B/2/G: 28FrLN [14D],
2/G: Fr6#
(1) LEFT FLANK (LF): Mescery 4"G(7)+1 [2F]
1B/LF: 16AsILC [10D],
2B/LF: 16AsILC [10D],
3B/LF: 12AsLC [6D],
4B/LF: 12AsILC [6D]
LF: As3# (3 guns)
(2) CORPS D’HILLIERS (H): D’Hilliers 6"G(5)+1 [3F]
(1) SECOND DIVISION (2/H): Severoli 3"G(4)+0
1B/2/H: 16ItLN [8D],
2B/2/H: 16ItLN [8D]
3B/2/H: 16ItLN [8D],
4B/2/H: 16ItLN [8D],
2/H: It6#
(1) DRAGOON DIVISION (D/H): Pully 3"A(6)+0
1B/D/H: 16FrLC [8D]
(1) CENTER (C): Colleredo 4"A(8)+1 [2F]
1B/C: 20AsLW [14D],
2B/C: 16AsILT [10D],
3B/C: 16AsLN [8D],
4B/C: 16AsLN [8D]
C: As6#
(1) ROYAL ITALIAN GUARD (I): Lecchi 4"G(6)+1[1F]
1B/I: 16ItGD [6D],
I: It6#
(1) RIGHT FLANK (RF): Jellacic 4"A(6)+1 [2F]
1B/RF: 20AsLW [14D],
2B/RF: 16AsILT [10D]
3B/RF: 16AsGRZ [10D],
4B/RF: 16AsLN [8D]
RF: As6#
(2) CORPS GROUCHY (GR): ** [2F]
** Grouchy’s Corps under direct command of Eugene
(1) FIRST DIVISION (1/GR): Pacthod 3"G(5)+1
1B/1/GR: 16FrLT [8D],
2B/1/GR: 24FrLN [12D],
1/GR: Fr8#
(1) LIGHT CAV DIVISION (LC/GR): Sahuc 3"G(5)+1
1B/LC/GR: 16FrLC [8D]
(1) CAVALRY (CV): Besan 3"A(5)+0 [1F]
1B/CV: 20AsLC [10D]
(2) CAV RESERVE (CR): Grouchy 5"G(5)+1 [3F]
(1)CAV DIV MONTBRUN (M/CR): Montbrun 4"E(8)+2
1B/M/CR: 20FrLC [10D],
M/CR: Fr 4#
(1) CAV DIV COLBERT (C/CR): Colbert 1 3"A(5)+0
1B/C/CR: 12FrLC [6D],
2B/C/CR: 12FrLC[6D]
(1) CAV DIV GUEDIN (G/CR): Guedin 3"A(5)+0
1B/G/CR: 12FrLC [6D],
2B/G/CR: 12ItLC [6D]
G/CR: Fr4#
(1) RESERVE (RS): Frimont 3"G(8)+0 [2F]
1B/RS: 16AsLN [8D],
2B/RS: 20AsLN [10D],
3B/RS: 16AsGN [6D],
4B/RS: 16AsGRZ [10D]
RS: As12#,
RS: As12#
V.4.1: Game Length/Sequence: 1000-1430 hours (12 turns). The French are the First Side.
V.4.2: Options: The French start with initiative. Both sides get 4 free rolls.

V.5: VICTORY POINTS: Kis-Megyer is worth 123/207, and Szabadhegy Plateau (including the town of Szabadhegy) 123/207 French/Austrian victory points each.

V.5: HISTORICAL RAAB: After a brief bombardment, the French center assaulted the center of the Austrian line, including the Kis-Megyer farm. In vicious fighting, the farm changed hands five times, but without cavalry and artillery support, restricted from crossing the river, the infantry sooned streamed back across in retreat. However, in the south, Grouchy’s cavalry quickly discovered a ford, crossed over and rapidly defeated the entire Austrian left wing, comprised of many "Insurrection" cavalry troops of questionable quality. As the cavalry was successfully engaging the Austrian left wing, Eugene reassaulted the center with his reformed troops. Archduke John was now forced to form his line into a gigantic "L". Eugene’s attack, now supported by his remaining divisions, including the Italian Guard, succeeded in taking and holding the farm. This, and the threat of encirclement of his position by the French cavalry, forced John to begin a retreat. This victory was significant for it shattered the Hungarian Insurrection and all but cleared the entire south bank of the Danube of Austrian forces.