NB A.0 The Battle of Casa Nostra: June 30th, 1812 (Richard Brooks)

A.1.0: This battle is entirely made up, it takes place in Portugal (It was designed to accomodate 6 players 3 per side). As the Anglo-Portuguese army awaits their Russian allies they are suddenly confronted by a hitherto unknown French army. The Anglo-Portuguese troops wait for the Hated foe to come to them.

A.1.1 The Battlefield of Casa Nostra:

nostra_map.gif (23265 bytes)

A.1.1.0 Map Notes:
A.1.1.1: The River is crossable anywhere to Infantry and Cavalry in column or March Column formations, but they are disordered after the crossing.    Artillery may only cross at the Ford in area D4, Infantry and Cavalry may also cross here in Column or March column and are not disordered.
A.1.1.2: The village of Casa Nostra is a +2 combat Modifier.
A.1.1.3: The Anglo-Portuguese setup in areas C3 through H3. The French set up in areas C5 to H5.

A.1.2: Order of Battles for Casa Nostra:

Anglo-Portuguese Army
Liberation Army of Portugual
(3) C-in-C: Whittigham, 12' G(10) +1 [12M]
(3) C-in-C: Duroc, 9" G (10)+0  [12M]
(2) Right Wing: York, 7" G(4) +0
(2) I Corps: Fedon, 8" A (6)+1
A/I Fr12#,
A/I Fr6#
(2) Left Wing: Hope, 6" G (7)+1
(1) 1st Division/I Corps: Goyaland, 3: G(5)+0
1B/1/I 20FrLT [10D],
2B/1/I 24 FrLN [12D]
(1) 1st Division: Graham II, 4" G (8)+1    *
1B/1 20 PtLN [10D],
2B/1 16 BrLN [6D],
3B/1 16 BrLN [6D]
(1) 2nd Divison/I Corps: Aymand, 3" A (5)+0
1B/2/I 24 FrLN [12D],
2B/2/I 16 FrLN [8D],
3B/2/I 16 FrLN [8D]
(1) 2nd Division: Caven, 4" G(6)+0    *
1B/2 20 PtLN [10D],
2B/2 16 BrLN [6D],
3B/2 16 BrLN [6D]
(1) Cavalry Division I Corps: Segur, 3" G (7)+1
1B/C/I 12 FrLC [6D]
(1) 3rd Divsion: Spencer, 4" A (5)+0     *
1B/3 20 PtLN [10D],
2B/3 16 BrLN [6D],
3B/3 16 BrLN [6D]
(2) II Corps: Solginac, 8"A (6)+1
A/II Fr12#,
A/II Fr6#
(1) Mixed Division: Bentnick, 3" A (6)+0    *
1B/M 16 BrLN [6D],/
2B/M 16 BrLN [6D],
3B/M 16 PtLN [8D],
4B/M 16 PtLC [8D]
(1) 1st Divison II Corps: Chauvel, 4" A (6)+0
1B/1/II 20FrLT [10D],
2B/1/II 24 FrLN [12D]
(1) British Division: Wellesley, 5" G (8)+3D     *
1B/B 24 BrLN [10D],
2B/B 16 BrLN [6D],
3B/B 16 BrLN [6D]
(1) 2nd Divison II Corps: Chauvel, 4" E (7)+1
1B/2/II 24 FrLN [12D]
2B/2/II 16 FrLN [8D]
3B/2/II 16 FrLN [8D]
(1) Cavalry Division: LeMerchant, 5" E(7)+2    *
1B/C 16 BrHC [4D],
2B/C 16 BrKLC [5D]
(1) Cavalry Division II Corps: Pajol, 3" G (7)+1
1B/C/II 12 FrLC [6D]
Army Artillery
A Br9#,
A Br9#,
A Br9#,
A Br9#
(2) III Corps: Vincent, 8" A (5)+0

A/III Fr12#,

A/III Fr6#

(1) 1st Divison III Corps: Songis, 3" A (5)+0
1B/1/III 20FrLT [10D],
2B/1/III 24 FrLN [12D]
(1) 2nd Divison II Corps: Vandamme, 3" A (5)+2
1B/2/III 24 FrLN [12D],
2B/2/III 16 FrLN [8D],
3B/2/III 16 FrLN [8D]
(1) Cavalry Division II Corps: St. Croix, 4" A (6)+0
1B/C/II 12 FrLC [6D]
(1) Independent Cavalry Division: Walter, 4" G (7)+1    *
1B/C/II 12 FrLC [6D]
Extra troops, not required but if enough people show up they can also play
(1) Russian Division: Repninsky, 4"A (6)+1D    *
1B/R 24 RsLN [10D],
2B/R 16 RsLN [6D],
3B/R 16 RsLN [6D],
4B/R 16 RsLN [6D],
R Rs 12#,
R Rs12#
(1) Independent Infantry Division: Duhesme, 4" A (6)+1    *
1B/ind 24FrLN [12D],
1B/ind 24FrLN [12D],
1B/ind 24FrLN [12D],
ind Fr12#
ind Fr6#
(1) Light Cavalry Division; Hamilton, 3" A (6)+0     *
1B/LC 16 BrLC [5D]
(1) Heavy Cavalry Brigade: Dormon, 3" G (7)+2     *
1B/HC  12 FrHC  [5D]

* indicates this division/brigade can be commanded by any upper echelon commander.

A.1.3: Information chart for Casa Nostra:

A.1.4 Game Length/Sequence: 1200hrs to 1800hrs (12 Turns). The Anglo-Portuguese set up first. French move first.

A1.5 Options: Each side receives 5 free rolls. The French start with the Initative.

A1.6 Victory Conditions: The side that breaks his opponent's Army Morale Wins. If neither side Breaks then he who controls, at games end, 2 of the 3 following objectives wins, Casa Nostra, the D4 ford and Boomerang hill Wins, If Casa Nostra catches on fire then it no longer counts as an objective, in which case count up casaulty points and he who has inflicted more wins.

A1.7 Historical <sic> outcome: not yet written.