[BBP 1.0] Scenario 0ne: "The Battle of Malmo" - June 16, 1809 v 2.1


   After Napoleon's Spanish Allies defected he abandoned his planned invasion of Sweden. In this scenario, the Danes, allied with a westphalian contingent make a landing on the Swedish coast just North of Malmo in an attempt to defeat the Swedes once and for all and establish themselves as a power to be reckoned with in the Baltic

1.1 The Map: The Malmo Battlefield

Map Notes:

1.1.1: All buildings are fortified and have a "+2" combat modifier
1.1.2: The Swedish redoubt may not be longer than 6" measured from end to end. It has a "+2" combat value.
1.1.3: The Swedish forces maybe setup in any formation in the area defined by the blue box.
1.1.4: The Danish forces may be setup in any formation in the area defined by the red box.
1.1.5: The river may be forded any place south of the bridge. North of the bridge any unit wishing to ford must roll a die. On an odd roll the unit may ford the river at that spot. On an even roll it may not. Players must mark areas which have been checked. An area may only be checked once. The river must be forded in column formation( Thus the area checked will be the same as the head of the column.) Artillery units may not ford the river north of the bridge.
1.1.6: The marsh in the northwest area of the map is considered rough terrain. Artillery units may not move through marsh terrain.
1.1.7: The Swedish forces are set up first.
1.1.8: All the Danish forces except the Westphalian contingent are setup on the map. The Westphalians enter as reinforcements as defined in the special rules.

1.2: Malmo Orders of Battle

(3) Swedish Army:  Skjoldebrand 1 9"A(10)+0 [10M]

Independent Brigades (IB):
IGuard: 12 SwGD [5B], IGren: 16SwGN [6B], IB: Sw12#
(1) Cavalry Division (C): Skjoldebrand 2 3"A(6)+0
1B/C 16SwHC [6C], 2B/C: 16SwLC [8C], 3B/C: 12 SwLC [6C]
(2) I Corps (I): Reuterfkiold 7" A(5)+0 [3F]
(1) First Division (1): Essen 4" E(8)+1
1B/1: 16 SwLN [8C], 2B/1: 16 SwLN [8C], 3B/1: 16SwMI [10D]
(1) Second Division (2): Klercker 4" G(6)+1D
1B/2: 16 SwLN [8C], 2B/2: 16 SwLN [8C], 2: Sw12#
(2) Second Corps (II): Sandels 7" G(6)+1 [3F]
(1) Third Division (3): Steding 4" A(7)+1D
B/3: 20 SwLN [10C], 2B/3: 16 SwLN [8C], 3B/3: 12 SwMI [7D], 3: Sw12#
(1) Fourth Division (4): Posse 3" G(5)+1
1B/4: 20 SwLN [10C], 2B/4: 16 SwLN [8C], 4: Sw12#
(3) Danish/Westphalian Army: Hessen 1: G(10)+1D [9M until1B/C/IWe, then 10M until arrival of I/IWe, then 11M after that]
(2) I Danish Corps (IDe): During 9" G(6)+0 [?F]
(1) Guard Division (G): Dornberg 3" P(5)+0 [2F]
1B/G: 16DeGD (6B), 2B/G: 16DeGN [6B], 3B/G: 12DeGCV [6C], G: De3#
(1) First Division (1): Waldeck 3:A(5)+0 [2F]
1B/1: 16 DeLN [10D], 2B/1: 16 DeLN [10D], 3B/1: 16 DeLN [10D], 4B/1: 16 DeLN [10D], 1: De12#
(2) Second Danish Corps (IIDe): Moltke 8: A(4)+0 [?F]
(1) Second Division (2): Wegener 3" A(5)+0 [2F]
1B/2: 16 DeLN [10D], 2B/2: 16 DeLN [10D], 3B/2: 16 DeLN [10D], 4B/2: 16 DeLN [10D], 1: De3#
(1) Cavalry Division (C): Hessen 2  3" A(6)+1 [1F]
1B/C: 16 DeHC [8C], 2B/C: 16 DeLC [10D], 3B/C: 16 DeLC [10D]
(2) Westphalian Corps (Iwe): Wolff 9" A(5)+0 [?F]
(1) First Division (1): Fulgraff  3" A(5)+0 [2F]
1B/1: 16WeGd [6B], 2B/1: 16weLN [8C], 3B: 16 WeLn [8C], 1: We6#
(1) Second Division (2): Morio 3" A(4)+1 [2F]
1B/2: 16 WeJG [6C], 2B/2: 16 WLN [8C], 3B/2: 16 WLN [8C],2: We6#
(1) Cavalry (C): Briche 3" A(5)+0 [1F]
1B/C 16WeLC [6C]
1.4 Special rules for Malmo:
1.4.1: Game Length/sequence: 0800-1500 hours (14 turns). The Danes are the first side.
1.4.2: Arrival times (all Danish actually Westphalian):
          1B/C/IWe: 1000 hours. In March column road end G4.
          1/IWe: 1030 hours. In March column road end G4.
          2/IWe: 1100 hours. in march column road end G4.
Note: it is highly recommended that players use SR1.5.3 to vary arrival times.
1.4.3: Swedish artillery bases only represent batteries of 4 guns each.
1.4.4 Victory Points: The fortified buildings are worth 40/52, the hills on the Swedish flanks are worth 30/40, and the redoubt is worth 60/78 Danish/Swedish Victory Points. All victory point locations are considered to be Swedish controlled at the beginning of the game.
1.4.6: "Historical" Malmo: The Danish Army, without waiting for the powerful Westphalian I Corps, pushed home its attack on the Swedes well-fortified positions. After enduring withering long-range artillery fire in his approach march, Prince Hessen ordered a general charge all along the line with the idea of simply overwhelming the defenders and forcing them out of their strong points. The Swedes, however, stood firm, and only the sacrificial charge of the Danish Kongl. Livgarde til Hast allowed the battered Danes to withdraw, by this time, the Westphalians had arrived and deployed and were able to cover the withdrawal of the army since the Swedish defenders were too tired to pursue