I realized that I had inadvertently left the Second division out of the British order of battle, I also thought a more enlightening historoical outcome was needed. The Second division had already done quite a bit of fighting in the preceeding few days.

Scenario NBII: The Battle of Sourauren (by Richard Brooks)

July, 28,1813: Convinced the best means of defence lay in attack, French Marshal Soult has to thrust his "Army of Spain" into the midst of the scattered Allied forces in the Pyrenes mountains. Having driven and pursued the Anglo-Portuguese forces for 30 miles over mountain roads, on the 27th the British decide to fight near the town of Sourauren, only 5 miles from the French objective of the city of Pamplona. As Soult prepares to attack on the 27th he hears the cheering of the Anglo-Portuguese units, Wellington has finally arrived from the siege of San Sebastian, Soult then decides wait for the arrival of the rest of his forces, at noon the next day he finally attacks.

sorauren1.gif (24327 bytes)
















2.2 Map Notes: The towns of Sourauren and Zabaldica have +2 combat modifiers, the town of Huarte has a combat modifier of +1. The Rivers are uncrossable except at the bridges. Any Infantry unit ascending/descending the hill centered on C3/D3 treats the elevation change as two inches of rough terrain (Artillery and mounted cavalry may not move onto on or off of this hill during this scenario) units ascending are disordered on a roll of 1-3 after their move is completed, descending units are disordered on a roll of 1.

2.3 Sourauren Order of Battle:

Allied Army Wellington: 17" G (10) +3D  [9M] French Army Soult 1  14" E (10) +1  [11M]
Second Division: Stewart 4" A(#) +# [2F] Clausel's Collumn: Clausel 9" G (7) +1  [4F]
1B/2 16 BrLN [8D] 4th Division:Conroux 3" A (6) +0
2B/2 20 SpLN [14D] 1B/4    16FrLT  [10D]
3B/2 16 PtLN [8D] 2B/4   20FrLN   [12D]
3B/4   20FrLN   [12D]
3rd Division: Picton 5" E(8) +2  [2F] 5th Division: Vandermaesen 3" A (5)+0
1B/3 20 BrLN  [8D] 1B/5    16FrLT  [10D]
2B/3 20 BrLN  [8D] 2B/5   20FrLN   [12D]
3B/3 20 PtLN [10D]
8th Division: Taupin 3'A (5) +0
4th Division: Cole 4" G (8) +1  [2F] 1B/8   20FrLN   [12D]
1B/4 20 BrLN  [8D] 2B/8   16FrLN   [10D]
2B/4 20 BrLN  [8D] 3B/8   16FrLN   [10D]
3B/4 20 PtLN [10D]
Clausel's Artillery
6th Division: Pack 4" G(6) +2 [2F] C Fr 4# (4 guns)
1B/6 20 BrLN  [8D] C Fr 4# (4 guns)
2B/6 20 BrLN  [8D]
3B/6 20 PtLN  [10D] Reille's Collumn: Reille 8" E (6) +2  [4F]
Cavalry: Payne 3' A(6) +0 1st Division: Foy 4" E (8) +2
1B/C  12 BrLC  [5D] 1B/1   20FrLN   [12D]
2B/1   16FrLN   [10D]
Spanish Corps O'Donnell 8' G(7) +1 [3M] 3B/1   16FrLN   [10D]
Morillo's Division: Morrillo 3" G(6) +1 [1F]
1B/M/S 20 SpVLn [10D] 7th Division: Maucune 4" A (4) +0
2B/M/S 20 SpVLn [10D] 1B/7   20FrLN   [12D]
2B/7   16FrLN   [10D]
Barcena's Division: Barcena 3" A (6) +0 [1F]
1B/B/S 20 SpLn  [14D] 9th Division: LaMartinere 3" A (4) +1
2B/B/S 20 SpLn  [14D] 1B/9   20FrLN   [12D]
2B/9   20FrLN   [12D]
Longa's Division: Longa 3" G (7) +1 [1F] 3B/9   16FrVLT   [8D]
1B/L/S 20 SpLn  [14D]
Reille's Artillery
Spanish Artillery C Fr 4# (4 guns)
S Sp 6# C Fr 4# (4 guns)
Cavalry: Soult II  4" A (6) +1 [1F] *
1B/C 12 FrLC [7D]

* this unit can be commanded by any upper echelon general

2.4 Game Length/Sequence of Play: 11:30-19:00 hrs (15 turns), the French are the first side. the British set up all units except the 2nd and the 4th divisions first, then all the French units and then the remainder of the British units.

2.5 Special: To simulate the 1000 foot height of the central hill, no unit on hill C3/D3 may be fired on by a unit on ground level or level 1

2.6 Options: The French start with the initiative. the French get 6 Free roll, the British get 5 Free rolls.

2.7 Victory Points:

Location French Allied
Souraren 105 168
Zabaldica 100 160
Huarte 25 40
Road end G5 75 120
Bridge F4 60 96
Bridge E4 45 72
Bridge D5 45 72

2.8 Historical Outcome: Having Decided he had delayed long enough Marshal Soult ordered general Foy to pin down the enemy near Huarte and general Conroux was to intercept and contain the Sixth division as it approached Sorauren. Foy was soon engaged in petty bickering with Picton's troops above Huarte. Conroux advanced along the Ostiz Pamplona road and was soon engaged in a escalating struggle with Pack's battalions and was soon forced back into Sorauren. the Anglo-Portuguese troops attempted to enter the village, however they found the undertaking too difficult with Pack amongst the wounded command devolved to Packenham who called off the assault to regroup his units. Meanwhile Clausel and Reille were locked in a confrontation with Wellington's center, and many a veteran of Busacco was reminded of that battle by the scene in front of him. As solid columns of French infantry slowly panted their way up the towering 1000 foot high hills of the allied position, the long, thin lines, of Anglo-Portuguese made ready to receive them. Advancing behind dense screens of Voltigeurs Taupin's and Vandermaesen's divisions attacked the Cole's Fourth division above Sorauren and slowly pushed back Coles right hand units. Still further to the east above Zabaldica the French were not faing so well, Maucune having deployed insufficient Skimishers staggered up the slopes to be greeted by a crushing salvo from units of th Stewart's Second Brigade the French fled down the hill in great disorder, allowing the Allied troops to sweep diagonally down the hill into Vandermaesen's Flank who was forced to fall back just when he was about to finish off the Second division.Above Zabaldica the fighting was bitter and prolonged. Lamartinere's divisiona also advancing behind a powerful skirmisher screen and soon crested the hill and was stopped by the 40th regiment of foot who lost 130 men in a few moments but the Somersets held their ground and eventually threw back the assault, Lamartinere made a third attempt, but his troops weary from the previous two attacks were easily repelled and the battle petered out.

The Spanish played no part in the battle and suffered accordinly, the Anglo-Portuguese lost about 2600 men the French lost over 3000 and were stopped short of their objective. During the night the Allied Seventh Division arrived at Sorauren and which convinced Soult that the majority of the Allied armies were at or near Sorauren. Soult came up a new plan, since the bulk of the Allied army was South he would move to the North-West along the Ostiz road past Lizaso and fall upon Graham's small force besieging the city of San Sebastian relieve it instead.

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