
To enter a code press and hold Ctrl, Shift, S, X and there should be a red cursor at the bottom for a list of codes

Note: For codes with things in parenthesis type with out the paranthesis. For money amount type the amount of money. Upgrade one of   the letters(see hyperlink for meaning of letters).For egg type dinoname(see hyperlink for short names of the dinos).

code What code does
money (amount) Gives you that amount of supplies
win Automatically win game
lose Automatically lose game
upgrade (a,c,v,d,s) Upgrades
egg (dinoname) Gives you egg of that type   
kill Kills selected character
raggsdale Gives you a complete list of codes
remdel Gives you an alien that has a kick but gun!
hppr Gives selected character invincibility
Ctrl,Shift,Q,W Typing this on the title screen with play, load,quit, and credits will give you a level select code

Note:If you have any problems any problems with these codes or don't know how to type them send us and e-mail at [email protected].

Also you are in no way forced to use these codes.These codes were made to help you beat the game in an easier way.

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