SoM Magic

How does the magic work in Secret of Mana?
In Secret of Mana, the Hero can't use magic. :-( However, the Girl and the Sprite can.The Sprite's spells are all targeted at enemies, and are attack spells. The Girl's spells, with the exception of four, are all targeted at allies. These spells can be used to cure allies, enhance their attack, or increase their defense. The Sprite and the Girl use the same elementals that you find, except for Shade and Lumina. The Girl uses Lumina, and the Sprite uses the magic of Shade. The elementals are found in the floowing order:

  1. Undine
  2. Gnome
  3. Sylphid
  4. Salamando
  5. Shade
  6. Lumina
  7. Luna
  8. Dryad

Sprite's Magic

The Sprite has attack magic. His spells attack enemies either directly, or affect their status. He has no spells that affect allies.

gnome.jpg (5955 bytes)

speeddown.jpg (3027 bytes)
Speed Down (1MP) Slows enemies
gemmissile.jpg (2422 bytes)
Gem Missle
(2MP) Earth-Elemental attack

earthslide.jpg (2783 bytes)Earth Slide
(3MP) Earth-Elemental attack

undine.jpg (5303 bytes)

freeze.jpg (3092 bytes)
(2MP) Ice-Elemental attack
energyabsorb.jpg (3227 bytes)
Energy Absorb
(2MP) Absorbs enemy HP
acidstorm.jpg (3153 bytes)
Acid Storm
(3MP) Lowers enemy defense

salamando.jpg (5286 bytes)

fireball.jpg (2967 bytes)
(2MP) Fire-Elemental Attack
lavawave.jpg (2336 bytes)
Lava Wave
(3MP) Stronger Fire attack
exploder.jpg (2322 bytes)
(4MP) Strongest Fire attack

sylphid.jpg (5064 bytes)

airblast.jpg (2359 bytes)
Air Blast
(2MP) Wind-Elemental Attack
silence.jpg (2230 bytes)
Silence (2MP) Confuses enemies
thunderbolt.jpg (1359 bytes)
Thunder Bolt
(4MP) Strong Wind attack

luna.jpg (5437 bytes)

magicabsorb.jpg (2717 bytes)
Magic Absorb
(1MP) Absorbs enemy MP.
changeform.jpg (3062 bytes)
Change Form
(5MP) Changes enemy into an easier form to beat
lunarmagic.jpg (2457 bytes)
Lunar Magic
(8MP) Very unpredictable! Many random effects.

shade.jpg (5093 bytes)

darkforce.jpg (2582 bytes)
Dark Force
(2MP) Shadow-Elemental attack
dispelmagic.jpg (3253 bytes)
Dispel Magic
(4MP) Removes enemy defenses (Wall, Barrier)
evilgate.jpg (3096 bytes)
Evil Gate
(8MP) Strongest Shadow- Elemental attack

dryad.jpg (5451 bytes)

sleepflower.jpg (1892 bytes)
Sleep Flower
(2MP) Puts enemies to sleep
burst.jpg (3280 bytes)
(4MP) Strongest magic attack in the game. (I think)
Mana Magic (1MP) Levels up the Hero's Sword. Only available during the Final Battle.

Girl's Magic

Note: The spells in the 3rd column are "Weapon Spells" When you cast them on a party member, then that party member's weapon will do the effect that I have listed. (Ex. "Stone Saber--Petrifies enemies." This means that when a character has a Stone Saber spell in effect on themselves, their regular attacks will petrify the enemies.)

gnome.jpg (5955 bytes)

defender.jpg (3575 bytes)
(2MP) Raises party's defense
speedup.jpg (3569 bytes)
Speed Up
(2MP) Raises HP and Evade
stonesaber.jpg (3167 bytes)
Stone Saber (4MP) Petrifies enemies

undine.jpg (5303 bytes)Undine

remedy.jpg (3577 bytes)
(1MP) Restores Status
curewater.jpg (2411 bytes)
Cure Water
(2MP) Restores HP
icesaber.jpg (3177 bytes)
Ice Saber
(2MP) Freezes enemies

salamando.jpg (5286 bytes)

firebouquet.jpg (3000 bytes)
Fire Bouquet
(3MP) Lowers enemy attack power, and damages
blazewall.jpg (3155 bytes)
Blaze Wall
Fire attack on enemies.
flamesaber.jpg (3194 bytes)
Flame Saber
(2MP) Flames enguf enemies

sylphid.jpg (5064 bytes)

analyzer.jpg (2613 bytes)
(1MP) Used to scan enemies for HP & weak points. Also can be used to scan crystal orbs.
balloon.jpg (2881 bytes)
(2MP) This spell stops enemies.
thundersaber.jpg (2573 bytes)
Thunder Saber
(3MP) Thunder-Elemental sword attack.

luna.jpg (5437 bytes)

moonenergy.jpg (3487 bytes)
Moon Energy
(2MP) Raises number of Critical Hits.
lunarboost.jpg (3011 bytes)
Lunar Boost
(2MP) Attack power up & Evade down.
moonsaber.jpg (3308 bytes)
Moon Saber
(3MP) Absorbs HP with each hit on enemies

lumina.jpg (5764 bytes)

lucentbeam.jpg (3401 bytes)
Lucent Beam
(2MP) Enemies hit by a ray of pure light.
lucidbarrier.jpg (3501 bytes)
Lucid Barrier
(4MP) This spell protects you from weapon attacks
lightsaber.jpg (3176 bytes)
Light Saber
(5MP) No, not like Star Wars. This makes weapons Light Elemental.

dryad.jpg (5451 bytes)

wall.jpg (3202 bytes)
(6MP) Reflects magic attacks back at the enemy.
reviver.jpg (3380 bytes)
(10MP) Restores life, but not all HP.
Mana Magic (1MP) Levels up the Hero's sword. Strongest when used in conjunction with the Sprite's version of Mana Magic. (Final Battle only)