This section of the site picks up the duty of what is generally referred to as the "news" section. However, "news" ain't my style, "NEW SHIT" is. So for the three of you out there that are keeping score, if there's anything that looks like it's been changed, that's probably because it has been changed, and you can find out why here. For those who could give a rat's ass less, well, there's the door down at the bottom, feel free to have a look-see at the rest of the site while you're here. NOTE: I will TRY to keep the news updated every week or so, but there are some times when there just is no new stuff. Check back here regularly though, just in case you're curious.

The Goods

Mar. 6, 1999 - My best friend is my machete, and I don't even own it. Ah well.

Jan. 24, 1999 - The Turks site got a facelift and I taught myself more HTML. Good for me.

Dec. 18, 1998 - Hellacool... Finished Xenogears, more affectionately known as "The Beast That Ate My Brain", and true to it's promise, it gave me my brain back. So I'm doing a deathblow learning guide, for anyone who must know or is curious, so feel free to check it out. It's a work in progrees; as more information becomes available, I'll be adding more to it. And look for a facelift on the Turks site soon.

Nov. 4, 1998 - Damn! I've been away for a while. Well, for those of you who care to know, I've been mudding recently. Mudding a LOT. Doing kooky things like getting an avatar (shaitan's level 67, and FREAKY-BIG), and finishing up my other fave char, Tseng, who recently founded a Clan, the Turks. Does it sound FF7 derivative? It is trust me, but I like it. Additionally, the Kat landed himself a jobby-job at Super-HellMart, Labyrinth of Bargains, a job which I *should* be starting on fairly soon. Wish me luck! Additionally, some of you might noticed a few changes in the pages looks being implemented soon - I'm switching to the dreaded "frames" format, tee-hee, and someone gave Evil a copy of Photo-Chop *grin*.... Expect changes SOON. Additionally, I'm working on a page for my Clan, which will be up very shortly. You COULD always go back to the main page and go to it from there, but, well, I respect that your ass is probably at least as lazy as mine, so you can link to it here. I'm good. Well, carry on...

Sept. 23, 1998 - Work is in progress on a FF Tactics page, as well as expanding the links section for that one other Squaresoft addict out there. Life is good (I guess) and I am awake... Take that how you may.

Sept. 16, 1998 - The site gets overhauled, some parts get mauled, and the very page your browser now rests on is born. The List is finished (FINALLY) and all two of the people who've been here before are scratching thier heads and saying to themselves, "What's a DGBT?". Planning is underway to add more Tasty Site Portions to the Back Nine, and the Kat is of the opinion that getting around to actually redoing and FINISHING the blasted Castlevania: SotN Speed Walkthrough might not be a bad idea. But first, a cig... or two... or fifty...

That's All I Got For Now.

Home - Home. Obviously.

Drop the Kat a Line at: [email protected]

Anything you want to know more about? Drop a line, if I have an answer, you'll get it too.