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Z-client Cure

This was given to me by the captain of Team AUS, AUS_Kangaroo. This does work and only takes about fifteen minutes to complete.

1. Uninstall the "MSN Gaming Zone" from Add/Remove Programs.

2. Delete the MSN Gaming Zone folder in "C:/Program files". However, you should save the Favorites folder to your desktop before deleting so you can put it back in later so you don't loose your friends list and password.

3. Delete EVERYTHING in the "C:/Windows/Temp" folder. There may be some older zone files lurking in there and those temp files are not doing anything except taking up space.

4. Delete ALL of your temporary internet files manually from the "C:/Windows/TemporaryInternetFiles" directory.

5. Delete EVERYTHING in the "Windows/DownloadedProgramFiles" directory. These programs will reinstall properly later.

6. Delete everything in the "C:/Windows/Cookies" directory. This is another place for outdated zone files to hide.

Note: This next step must be taken with caution if you choose to take it. It can be dangerous if you aren't familiar with editing the registry. If you are good at it, do this step now to make this reinstallation perfect. If not, don't worry about it, the repair will work without this step.

-In the "Start/Run" box, type regedit and hit enter. Your registry editor should now be open. Open "Hkey_local_Machine". Open "Software". Open "Microsoft". Scroll down and highlight "Internet Gaming Zone". Be sure that this folder is the only one highlighted, then delete it. Close the Registry editor.

7.Restart the computer. Then go to Windows Update. Click on Product Updates.

8.UPDATES- Get Windows 98 Customer Service Pack. Get IE5 and internet tools if you don't have it. Then get all of the critical updates. Then get all the updates pertaining to the internet and all of the Additional Windows Features.

9.After all of your updates are done, restart the computer. Go to the zone and let the new zone files install. Once the zone is reinstalled, replace the favorites folder with the one that you saved to the desktop.

10.As a precaution, go to Add/Remove Programs and click on Internet Explorer 5 and Internet tools. The next window will give you three options. Choose "Repair Internet Explorer" and let the system reboot.