How To Use Runes

Runes are a very good spell. They can be used for offense, defense, or as traps. They only cost 80 mana and they are a great spell too.

Runes would be offensive by casting runes on a group of unwary Knights. They would explode in a flash of magic and bones. You could also cast Runes on a gold mine or forest where workers were passing. They would not even see what hit them. You could also cast runes on the edge of a barracks or a mage tower. They wouldn't know what hit them.

Runes could be used for defense too. You could cast Runes on the edge of your town or on your defenses and when anyone came in, they would be burned alive. You could also put Runes out on a narrow bridge that lead into your base. They would have no choice but to wait for the runes to fade away. If you got some ballistae you could pick off the people waiting to cross.

Runes also could be used for trickery. Casting Runes around an expansion or in an open field would teach people to be more cautious when walking about. If they noticed the runes, they would still be delayed. They would have to stall their attack or take an alternate route.