Shadow Luigi: Welcome to Luigi Arena Match Number 5!
Koopy: Do we have a fight for you today! In the Orange with Red Stars corner, weighing in at 320 pounds, the Sayian Smasher, the Guy That In No Way Has Anything to Do With Mario Except That They're Both From Japan, Goku!
Shadow: And in the Blue Corner, weighing in at 150 pounds, the Blue Bomber, the Man That Puts the Man in Megaman, Megaman!
Koopy: I think that this will be a great fight. I mean, Dragonball Z? What a stupid cartoon*!
Shadow: I just want to know what happens when two totally unrealated people go crazy in an allout fist fest.
Koopy: Let's get ready to ruuuuuumble!
Shadow: Hey! That's my line!
Koopy: Goku seems to be a weakling.
Shadow: Maybe it's a mind trick.
Shadow: Somethings happening! I think this could take another frame!
Koopy: Tons of people use fire! Talk about a clich�.
Shadow: Looks like trouble for The Blue Bomber!
Koopy: I'm just amazed Goku's attack lasted this long. It's just like in cartoons, how when the hero is transforming, why don't they attack then*? That's what Megaman should have done.
Shadow: Something doesn't feel right.
Koopy: How come Megaman was charred by the blast, but nothing happened to Goku?
Shadow: Dun dun dun!
Koopy: Didn't that guy kill Flamey Kong? Talk about bizarre crossovers.
Shadow: At least someone attacked someone.
Koopy: Yeah, that's good.
Koopy: Dun dun dun!
Shadow: Not the Boddahsmokahgnu!
Koopy: But it is. MUHUHAHAHA!
Koopy: That's an awesome power. I wish I had that.
Shadow: That sounds cool!
Koopy: Yeah. I wonder what will happen.
Shadow: This better not be another one when the Cosmos win.
Koopy: Yeah. They've won too many World Series.
Shadow: Destruction. Cool.
Koopy: Heh heh, yeah. We are so unemployed. Heh heh.
Shadow: What an exciting fight!
Koopy: Yeah. Stay tuned for the next Luigi Arena Fight!
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