All songs are made with Scream Tracker 3 (ST3). Use ST3 to listen to them (I've heard that a MP3 player can also play ST3 songs)


DJ Gonzo DJ Rizzo

DJ Gonzo

DJ Gonzo, also known as Jouke Koning, is 14 years old. He goes to school every day (yuck!) and is in the same class as DJ Rizzo. Well, that's all you may know about DJ Gonzo, the a secret!!! Yeah!


The Big Banana

The Big Banana

1998 by DJ Gonzo

Notes: My first song, it's cool, but not really my best. Hardcore style!





1998 by DJ Gonzo

Notes: Really beautiful (I think it is my best) trance song, REALLY DOWNLOAD IT!!!



Little Dream

Little Dream

1998 by DJ Gonzo

Notes: A very short, but good song.


 DJ Rizzo

DJ Rizzo (usually called Jan-Paul van Muijen), is almost 15 years old (monday the 5th of October). His songs (and more information about him) will follow soon!