TRESPASSER...This is going to be one hell of a game. If you don't know what this is exactly, you are sad. This is the future of gaming as we know it. First off, you say, quake2 is the best game on earth, you say blade runner is the best adventure game, tomb raider was the most outdoor game. CHECK THIS OUT.

This picture cleary shows that this game has good grapichs, by the way this picture is not used with a 3dcard, that is software running those grapichs. Not hardware. Then you say, what about game play, who are you, how real is it. Is it exciting, how is the sound, what about AI. All these questions can be anwsered at there website.(at the bottom of this page is a link to it) I'm just here to show you that a game this good does exsit. Here are more pics.