You stare at the office door, COB Division, It sounds harmless enough so you walk in. The room is occupied by 2 male norns. They glance up at you briefly and return to their work. The room is huge,the walls are lined with shelves which are loaded with strange objects from Albia now and Albia past. You pick up what resembles an old toy and wonder if you REALLY want to spend your days filing old artifacts.......
To download an item just click on the name...Some are for C2 and will be marked accordingly.....

Click here to get The C2 CheatMachine!!!

The EggFinder!
This is a must have for all C2 breeders!! Finds all the eggs and lines them up at the incubator! C2 cob

A neat cob that kills all Cactai and their seeds!! C2 cob

This handy little cob will activate all the kits in the world. If your Norns are like mine they really don't like grabbing the icons. C2 cob

This cool cob starts all the machinery in Albia. I think... C2 cob
You found one!!!

egg #7
SuperSpeech Toy!!!!
Yes the C1 favorite now available for C2!!! YAY!!!!!

 All Authors names are in the read me texts.
More COBs soon.....