This little Kitty is a gift from 
RubyFalls Cattery!!!
His name is Congrats!! Isn't he cute: )
I was guest #1000: )
To visit RubyFalls click on the Kitty!!!

This Background and buttons Created by
D'Titan!!! She holds the copyright...
Please do not take any part of this page!!!
Made for The N-Files use ONLY!!!!
Many Thanks to D'Titan for this beautiful BackGround!!!!!

As you can see i have remodelled my Spirit Page...
Just call it Spirit page 2.0.*S*
The font used on this page is called Antique if you need it you download it here.
My Page has been divided up and the buttons below will take you the sections..............
But first...A true Story!!
Enjoy my Page I enjoyed making it!!!

This is a true story....... 
  I joined the SiteFights ages ago hoping to prove to the world my Site was the
 best.  It didn't work out that way ,I lost. I got so depressed I stopped working on
 my site. After about a month of self-pity I decided to check out my site and see 
  how it was doing...I got the shock of my life!!! My guestbook had been empty
 but now it had about 35 entries. I looked at them and found most of them were
    from Fairies,other SiteFighters and just people telling me how good my site
    was,how much they enjoyed it......I suddenly got a moment of  clarity. The
 SiteFights wasn't about being the best..It was about being yourself. It was about
                    sharing and being kind and helping each other. 
 At the SiteFights there are no loser's just winners...Getting to the Dome isn't the
 important thing...Being a Friend is. I found myself wanting to try again this time
             winning was not what I really wanted.......I wanted to help. 
    So I became a Trail Guide for Taz and now I get to help and encourage my
 Team-mates. There is no better feeling than that....Knowing you made someone
                smile , laugh or just feel better, is such a cool feeling. 
    I hope I can stay here for a long time but I will enjoy the moments as they come.

Wishing you the Happiness you deserve...
 Your Friend,Lisa. 

Click Here 
To visit My Spirit Flower Nursery.

Click Here
to visit The Angel's Garden.

Visit the other sections of my page!!!!
Click on the button and go!!!

Click here....
To visit my Flights of Fantasy
Adopted Fairy page!!!



That's it for now.........
Come back soon and Please rate my Spirit page: )
Also please sign my SpiritBook as well.....


if you like this Background please write to D'Titan
She is the one who made it!!!
Click below to mail her!!!