The Stadium
The Stadium is where most of the action takes place, there are four cups, each cup has different rules which I have listed below.After you have defeated all four cups you get to fight Mewtwo in an all out fight to the finish.
Pika Cup: In the Pika Cup a poke'mons level must be between 15 and 20 and there total levels can't be any higher than 50. (you can't use more than 3 pokemon at a time) Poke Cup: In the Poke Cup a poke'mons level must be between 50 and 55, and there levels can't total to more than 155 (you may only use three pokemon at a time)
Petit Cup: In the Petit Cup a poke'mons level must be between 25 and 30 and they can't have a total of 80. (you may only use three pokemon at a time) Prime Cup: In the Prime Cup there are absolutely no rules whatsoever!!!!
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