Welcome to the Offices of the Flight leaders. It is here that the majority of the work is done. A Flight Leader (FL) is in charge of a Flight Group (FG) that is made up of 5 pilots (not including the FL). A FL's duties, are trying at times because they are the one who is caught between his pilots and the SL and XO. He\She files reports on his\her pilots status, attendance to meetings, and training times.
I firmly believe that I have the the best FL's in the entire galaxy, under my command. It is here that you can see their awards and achievments. Eventually there will be a little page containing some information about my FL's, but for now you will have to settle with the awards displays for each FL. You will also be able to send them an e-mail from here is you so desire, asking them any questions about the TRA, or DJO.
To view a particular FL's office click on one of the corrosponding pictures below, or if you want to go elsewhere click on the links at the bottom of the screen