World Map

-- Pictured below is the completed map of the entire world of the Baldur's Gate game. Note that each individual area is marked with a circled number, which is used further down this page to access the Area maps.

Area Maps

-- To keep this page from taking a week to load I have placed a link below for each of the individual Area maps. These are listed by number which coincides with the numberings on the World map above.

#; Area Name; View Map; #; Area Name; View Map;
01 N.W. Baldur's Gate View Map # 01 26 CandleKeep, South View Map # 26
02 N. Baldur's Gate View Map # 02 27 High Hedge View Map # 27
03 N.E. Baldur's Gate View Map # 03 28 Beregost View Map # 28
04 W. Baldur's Gate View Map # 04 29 Beregost Temple View Map # 29
05 Central Baldur's Gate View Map # 05 30 Gullykin, North View Map # 30
06 E. Baldur's Gate View Map # 06 31 Tower Ruins View Map # 31
07 S.W. Baldur's Gate View Map # 07 32 High Hedge, South View Map # 32
08 S. Baldur's Gate View Map # 08 33 Beregost, South View Map # 33
09 S.E. Baldur's Gate View Map # 09 34 Ulcaster Ruins View Map # 34
10 Baldur's Gate Bridge View Map # 10 35 Gullykin View Map # 35
11 Northern Farm-stead View Map # 11 36 Tower Ruins, South View Map # 36
12 W. Cloakwood View Map # 12 37 Nashkel, NorthEast View Map # 37
13 N. Cloakwood View Map # 13 38 Nashkel, North View Map # 38
14 Cloakwood Iron Mines View Map # 14 39 Ulcaster, South View Map # 39
15 Ankheg Farm-stead View Map # 15 40 Firewine Bridge View Map # 40
16 Bandit Camp View Map # 16 41 Gnoll Stronghold, North View Map # 41
17 Central Cloakwood View Map # 17 42 Nashkel, West View Map # 42
18 S. Cloakwood View Map # 18 43 Nashkel View Map # 43
19 Friendly Arms Inn View Map # 19 44 Carnival View Map # 44
20 Peldvale View Map # 20 45 Firewine Bridge, South View Map # 45
21 CandleKeep View Map # 21 46 Gnoll Stronghold View Map # 46
22 Stone-Rings Field View Map # 22 47 Nashkel, SouthWest View Map # 47
23 Cross Roads View Map # 23 48 Nashkel, South View Map # 48
24 Larswood View Map # 24 49 Nashkel Iron Mines View Map # 49
25 Eastern Home-stead View Map # 25 50 Nashkel Mines, East View Map # 50