Please help me choose a background music
Intro: I work very boring nights by myself at Subway in Zelienople. Seven hours by yourself with nothing to do is
enough to drive anyone insane. These are some things I thought up while working. These are only on days I work
3-8-00:Sorry haven't updated in a while I had several run ins with black helicopters several landing near my house as I was going home. They seem to be consentrated on my house. Work has been busy because Burger King closed to kill their rats. I love it when poelpe order all the low fat stuff and inquire about all the fat grams then go and buy a dozen fattening cookies!!
1-27-99: Dan's thoughts: A new Daniel is at work wiht me and stole all my hours! I was forced to listen to country music. One song "Lees talk more action" sounded like he was picking up a prostitute?!
0010:Dan's Thoughts I skipped doing this my last three closes i was distracted by someone my life has changed a lot in the last few weeks from depression to total happiness I read in the newspaper that pennsylvannia is ompting out of national stadardize testing! I also found a new cool way to do the date
01-05-00:Wed. free cookie day Dan's Thoughts I survived Y2k and so did my puter! How do cookies make people happy just one little cookie can make someone happy for a day Try to spread around cheer and cookies
12-29-99: Ok I saw the trailer for mission to mars movie and guess what they play my old background music from the movie '1492' That movie must suck when it has to borrow its music from a very crappy movie
The trailer The music
12-27-99:Dan's Thoughts How was everyone's x-mas Kwanza Boxing day or hannaik?! I hate the fact the I have to say Season Greetings or Happy holidays at work I brought my furby baby to work for fun. I rhink i am in love but cn't tell
12-21-99:At work, I got a call from PPG a newspaer wondering if I was the head of the household. I politly asked if he wanted white or wheat bread. He then started to yell and hang up. Idon't kbnow why!
12-19-99Dan's Thoughts gundel's pary was great but there was one drawback I had to take a shower for two hours to get the smell out. My lower intestine still wont stop movingbut it wwas a blast. at work I stared out the window at the Now hiring sign at passavant my brain doesn't seem to be working
12-16-99: Dan's thoughts Today I wanted to leave after a long day of work but my car wouldn't startafter 20 min of wiggling the battery the car magically came on so I get home late YEAH! My thoughta are mostly of anger tonight towards my car
-12-14-99:DThoughts -Today I was going tofind uses for frozen bread thingies I than got sick here are a couple 1.swords make bread #. ice packs 4. this is where i got sick sodemizing?
12-11-99:Dan' thoughts: today I focus on the constellation orion 1. He has a great butt 2. he moves a lot 3. he is the only thing I can see walking up my road 4. Two aircraft positioned themselves to guve orion nipples!
12-7-99:Dan's thoughts: I was walking home in the dark and mysteriuos woods when i started to hear foot steps. I stopped to hear them but I couldn't. I started and i heard them again. I stopped and so did the footsteps. I finnally realized something. They were my foot steps
12/4*99Still another dan's thoughts Why in Health class are we yaught everthing we shouldn't do We have to know what a penis is for but can't use it??! why didn't we learn about stuff we are ethically able to use???! goto my Dan thoughweb page for a funny picture I cut out of the ellwood city weekly
Dan;s thoughts Delilah i the most boring and depressing radio show I want to call in an fake my suicide and sees igf she 'sends out a prayer' for me. the show is almost hypnotic in making me sleep. MUST CLOSE EYEs
11-29-99:Yet another dan's Thoughts The drive home was fun there was more ice in town than on my rural road?! The song 'I believe children are are future " has a sick hidden meaning' they are easy to achieve' and 'there inside me' These two lines don't seem right
11-26-99:Dan's thoughts Today I was busy doing the morning persons job and all the prep The new person doesn't work?!!? I had to do anything My boss let me close an hour early because i have to work 9:30 AM tommorow yea! JigglyPuff rules!!
11-24-99:Dan's Thoughts I was stuck working Turkey EVE We had a bunch off wierd newspapers at subway so I was actually entertained. But a read the Shoe comic and it told my life story(read it 11-24-99) On the way home I saw a cool wreck on 19 lots of flashing lights
11-20-99: Dan Thoughts (today i didn't even have a radio) Request from Davey to think abot buicks hereis their top ten uses
1.Spare Parts 2. Scrap metal 3. Start a junkyard 4. planter 5. Source for rust 6. Car smashing fund raiser 7.Target pratice for
____ 8.statue of japan superiority 9. track for monster truck 10. Truckasuarus food
11-17-99 : I spent most of my time examining the News Weekly (A crappy local paper) my favorite quote " a lead melter is a
device that melts lead" well duh I also found a cool thing to annoy people It turns off cell phones in a 200m radius
11-15-99: It's snowing right now in my neck of the woods (soorry Spike) I was forced to listen to country music today and it
seems to have two songs "Whose Tits has you hands been under" and another song about mountain dew?? Hey why isn't there
a song style for suburbans, urban has rap and rural has country???
11-13-99: does anyone have a fav anolog clock \par do you like the ones that tick or the ones that constantly move or
maybe the ones that move two minutes then click back or the cat clock I love thyme.
11-8-99: Guess What its Dan's Thought time \par why do they call Radio shows shows?? \par You don't see anything did
anyone knew lemons had heads?? Why do helicopters follow me?
11-6-99: Ready for another Dan's Thoughts \par First I would like to say I spent most of my time thinking off stuff to
do at shelly's fire But I had a thought Why are peanut butter cups called cups?? You can drink from them Is every thing
covered in chocalate a cup?? Chaoclate covered cherries or nuts?? (nut cup lol)
11-3-99: Guess what its time for Dan's Thoughts \par I hate when i type and nothing shows \par anyway what does a football
players numbeer mean IQ?? size?? fav position?? \par I was wondering about Lauren and scott but shelly spilled Also any women
wanting to go out with me please reply"Lets get it on!"
11-1-99: yup its time again for Dan's thoughts \par Today I thoought about religon \par when God made us in his own likeness
did he give us smaller dicks so he can keep his superriority \par also was Adam and Eve a porno go wrong
10-30-99: Guess what its time for another Dan's thoughts(I worked my a%& off tonight) \par Do owners of wax musuems sell
off statues of candles?? Why do people love to bug my when i close in 30 seconds?? \par sorry not good thoughts tonite too
much work(38 subs in 30 mins.
10-24-99: Why do poultry have breasts when they are not mammals? Do other birds have breasts? \par Why can't the home ec
classes have a day where they make the school lunch? that would be a cool final
10-22-99: Giant Strap-on How can one piece of plastic be so fantastic \par 2. Our school debit system sucks. Why not go all out
and get everyone real bank accounts and mac cards \par a. They are somewhat more secure \par b. better access to money \par
c. money could gain intrest \par d. it would be more mature \par }