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a great site, so great that almost everyone has a link to this site, tons of level and other great stuff a definIte must see.
go here to sign up for cases a very popular ladder match to see if you are the best descent DESCENTER, or the best of any other games.
this is where you can find what kali is about, and what version you can get if you don't like the beta version of kali.
after the show has ended the only place a seinfeld fan can go to is here. (sob) (sob)
ian awesome site! this guy makes the best of the best levels. even the most experianced descenter will be amazed at what d2hound creates.
a page that tells all about the details and etiquette or descent multiplayer. a nice layout and a great page.
My new clan check the page and if your clanless join it nice people have a nice time.
Cool team ladder go there and sign up... i did.
Another ladder but this is sigle player and fer descent not d2.