This young girl loves amusement and theme parks. Her dream
is to build the perfect amusement park in China when she
grows up.
She is both young and small in stature but Ling is a skilled
martial arts expert. Many believe if she was more serious she
could achieve real greatness. Having learned that the Mishima
Financial Empire is rich and powerful she seeks out Heihachi
(president and CEO) to make her dream a reality.
While vacationing in Hong Kong with her family, Ling stowed
away on a yacht bearing the name, Mishima Financial Empire.
Heihachi was not on board but Mishima's men discovered her
soon after the ship left port and Heihachi was informed
Upon his arrival, Heihachi found his men beaten and strewn
around the ship as if it was hit by a hurricane. She threatened
that she would go berzerk again if he did not accept her
challenge. Roaring with laughter, he promises to build the
amusement park of her dreams if she wins the tournament.