
Weasel Works News

9/5/99 - Updates coming soon, I promise!
IndentI'm very sorry for the total lack of updates this summer. I've been spending all of my time working on the biking section so nothing new has been uploaded to Weasel Works. But rest assured, the summer has not been spent in vain! After the bike section is completed and put up in a couple days I've got some spin offs from the creation of that site which I'm going to put up here, some new utilities and stuff. Maybe some stuff on CGI programming too! Thanks for checking in, make sure to do so again real soon!

6/21/99 - A Return to Normalcy
IndentSomewhat obviously, I'm back from my trip to Gettysburg and have been for some time. It was truly awesome and I shall be writing about it shortly. I'm just now getting reaquainted with my computer, this is the first time I've really used it for quite some time now. I've been beginning work on putting together a biking section to try and help inform people about biking in Philadelphia, and the trips I'm planning and have done. Nice to be back!

5/6/99 - Stuff
IndentPut a new article up. I think it's fairly interesting if you attend Masterman or Central High Schools. Now I must go to bed and worry about my Senior Project because I haven't really started working on the circuitry yet and the deadline is rapidly approaching!!! Anyways, watch out for an upcoming new section to Weasel Works: a biking section! Should be interesting (I hope). Kind of new direction for the site, away from programming, but what the hell. The articles were too, but I need somewhere to dump all of this crap.

4/29/99 - Musings
IndentI dunno, I think Bomber Command's pretty cool... Contrary to what everyone seems to think, I made all of the graphics line art intentionally because I thought it looked cool. Apparently no one agrees with me on this. Oh well. I'm happy because I finally have a game I wrote that I can just sit down and play and enjoy for a couple minutes. Yay for me.

4/23/99 - Bomber Command
IndentJust thought I'd let you know that I uploaded Bomber Command and a couple of new articles. Check out Bomber Command for sure, the articles are at your discretion. They're not particularly brilliant or anything, but BC is cool.

4/14/99 - Stupid lousy bastards!
IndentCan you believe they made us take down the sets after they'd only been up and used for two freaking performances?!?!?! Unbelievable. We spent so much time building them, and they only did two performances! Grrr!!!

4/8/99 - First night of the play!
IndentIt went spectacularly! Yay school play! Lots of people showed up, no one died or made serious mistakes, it was great!!! Tomorrow's going to be even better. Lots more people, total darkness outside, all that stuff!! Yay!

3/30/99 - Redesign Complete
IndentEverything is more or less done. At the very least I don't think there are any dead links or missing images. I didn't write the Web Pages section yet because I'm feeling far too lazy at the moment. The Camel web pages also did not make it to the new site because they need a lot of work. The old news and news archives were also removed because I figured no one wanted to read them anyways.

IndenteMail me if you wish computers could read your mind.

3/30/99 (way early in the morning) - New Pages & Programs
IndentHopefully you've already realized that I've redesigned this site. If you didn't come to that conclusion on your own then you don't visit this site often enough. Hopefully I've made this a much more pleasant site to visit. I've trimmed away a lot of the dreck so it should download faster, and I think it looks a good bit better than the old design.

IndentI've also added a couple things. In particular, the Articles & Web Pages sections on the main menu. In Articles will go various pieces written by me and others that I think should be shared with the world for one reason or other. Under Web Pages will go a portfolio of my work and descriptions of how I run these sites (a good deal differently than how most people would).

IndentI've also got at least one new program to show you, perhaps more if I dig around here long enough. While redesigning this page I wrote my first ever serious Windows program to automatically update the News page. It seems very handy and is already making my life easier, so you might want to look into it too.

IndentTell me what you think of the new site design and I'll promise never to write this much in a news update again. Maybe.
