
Weapon:Ballistic staff(a staff with a three pronged claw with a blade in the center on each end).

Special moves:

Energy ball(his hand charges up with green energy which he throws at his opponent).

Flip kick(he does a 360 degree flip in the air, delivering a powerful kick to his opponents chest).

Energy clone(he creates a green energy clone of himself which walks behind him and imitates his every move. Upon being hit, it explodes).

Groin stomp(psycho does a flip towards his opponent, and stomps directly on their groin, or stomach if female).

Weapon special move: zorro(his staff charges up and he slashes a large Z in his opponents chest).

Fatalities:#1.Power fist(his fist charges up with green energy.he then punches his opponent in the chest,causing their torso to explode,as their arms and head fall to the ground.#2.Force field(he throws an energy ball,which creates an energy field around his opponent. The energy field closes in on his opponent charring them to a crisp.#3.

Energy demons(Psycho creates dozens of energy clones. He then begins shaking and transforms into a large demon, as do the energy clones. They all rip the person apart and transform bac to normal. The original Psycho holds up the head in victory).

Story: A member of the Lin Kuei, and close friend of smoke, Psycho was well known for his wild fighting teqniques. When he heard that the Lin Kuei were planning to automate its members,he,Smoke,and Sub-zero fought to escape.All three were separated while trying to escape. Psycho ran through the woods,and dissapeared wthout a trace. He appeared years later at Chaos's realm to prepare to fight against the automated Lin Kuei assassins.