Whats going on?  You might wonder?
I made this page to give you the best N64 coverage anywhere.If you was wondering where I got the idea for my site's name,
don't even ask! I thought it sounded cool in-away. But if you
think about it could me this: Nintendo 64      =    Nintendo 64 (the ultimate gaming system)
Orcarina           =    Zelda (in other words: it's part of the sub title from the greatest
                                           Zelda game ever! Zelda: Orcarina of Time)Ok here is my logo that I made: If you was wondering who that is in the background it's Link, who else!?

Ok, now on to the other stuff.
Here is a breif description on the
pages I am making:

N64 News               =    This page is going to have all the latest N64 news, the page will be updated
                                    atleast 3 times per week. (remember I am just starting out)

N64 Reviews           =    I am going to review them all, it's going to be the games I got (that would be
                                        15 and counting) and the games I rent. Later on my friends will review there's

N64 Previews           =    I will try to get previews on the games. It will mostly be pics on them and what
                                        my opipion on it, how it looks and how it looks like its going to play.

N64 Codes                 =    It will have current codes on the top N64 games.

N64 Release Dates    =    This page will have the current release on all upcoming 64 games.

N64 IRC Chat            =    Info on wher my channel is on IRC.  If you don't have a IRC bowser