News-2/5/01 GRAND OPENING DAY! Welcome my site of stuff! Right below I have band bios, discographies, and photo galleries of Incubus, KoRn, Slipknot, and Limp Bizkit (with more coming soon). Oh, and in the Animations section there is a regularly updated cartoon of the day, as well as a Japanimation section and regular (.gif) animations. There is a search engine over to the left if for some absurd reason you would want to go onto some site other than mine...If you have any [good] ideas for the site lemme know...have fun. Be sure to check out my other site Rock World which is basically a continuation of the bands stuff I have on this site, except I intend on including many more bands. P.S. You should have this site open in a full window, not mini or the site may look strange...