How To Edit Multiplayer Maps:
Tutorial Written By: Sam
The most frequently asked question for multi-play on Rainbow Six is "How do I modify (edit) maps?" This tutorial will teach you how to edit maps. Most you will learn on your own. But for now this will get u started. First things first. Open Notepad (Notepad can be found in the Start / Program Files / Accessories menu). Now go to File / Open. Go into your R6 directory and go to the Data / mission folder (usually C: / Program Files / Red Storm Entertainment / Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six / Data / mission /). At the bottom of the Open window there is a Combo Box (Text Box with arrow on the left). Click on the arrow and select "All Files". To edit maps open the files that end in .mis (Ex: M01_MUL.mis is the first mission. I suggest that before you open a .mis file you back it up.) Now open the desired mission. Note: It must have MUL before it. As you see in the .mis file you have just opened a long list of things. Mostly by each line there are 2 slashes (//) after the slashes is a description of what each line is or does. Let's say you want to make new starting points for this multi-player map. At the very bottom of the long list there is a selection title (behind the //) that says Team Information. Under that there is 2 rows of numbers. They are coordinates for the starting point. The first number line is the coordinates one corner of the starting box. The second number is for the opposite corner of the starting box. Now, let's say you want to put bombs in places. Open my map in notepad (click here to download) and go down to the // Specific Action Objects part and look under it. You will see a few lines of code with one line if coordinates. Copy that code from under the // Specific Action Objects and under the // Number Of Action Objects down and paste it in the same part of your map. Note: Type how many bombs you will have at the // Number Of Action Objects part (Ex: I have put 2 bombs on my map. It will say 2 // Number Of Action Objects. You replace any number that might be there on your map with how many bombs you have pasted.). Let's say you want to put some hostages somewhere, well since I don't use hostages that much on my maps I cant tell you much about them. So why don't you open someone else's map that has hostages and get the code off there. IMPORTANT: Leave off the last 2 or 3 digits of your coordinates on your bomb, hostage, and starting point numbers (Ex: 50148.5 32667 226 leave off the 226 numbers.)
Whatever mission you want coordinates for play there. At the beginning type in (do this by hitting ' on the keyboard) teamgod, explore, and debugkeys. Whenever you want to get coordinates for the place you are standing at hit F10, F, and F10. Now, you have taken the coordinates. To get the numbers exit R6 and open the sherman.log (in the rainbow six directory) with notepad. There will be some junk at the top then there will be a few lines (your coordinates you took). But before each line there is some stuff with the room it was in and junk. But all you need is the numbers (not the room number). That's it.