

Ahhhh... we're so glad you came! Beef. We're just about to cook dinner! Beef. So, Piggy, what's for dinner? Beef, I'm sure of it! Beef.

I'm so glad you asked Green. Bacon. As a matter of fact, we're having bacon. Bacon. There's also fried bacon, bacon toast, BBQed bacon, sauteed bacon, crunchy bacon, bacon with eggs, bacon burgers, diet bacon, grinded bacon, the crappy bacon they make in schools -

Hey, where's the beef?

I was getting to that... Bacon. Why don't you give out YOUR menu? Bacon.

Sure thing! Beef. There also will be beef, beef stake, grinded beef, BBQed beef, fried beef, beef and eggs, sauteed beef, juicy beef, happy beef, magic beef...

Well, that's what we're having for dinner! Bacon. I hope you all come and stuff yourselves fat! Bacon.

Hope ta see ya soon! Beef. Bye! Beef.

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