To join follow this simple steps.

Step 1 choose a charcter from the following:

Trainer: Gets 15 extra pokeballs(20 total), $500 a week, and 4 pokemon

Cop Trainee: Gets a pair of handcuffs(must remove from a criminal when put it in jail or you have to buy more), $500 a week plus $1000 for every robber coaght, Can catch Robbers only, 2 pokemon and a Growlithe.

Robber: Can steal money(needs 24 hours to get away or can fight there way out), gets $500 a week and half the money steal, Starts with 2 pokemon, keeps all stolen pokemon

Step 2 choose your beginning pokemon(according to your Charcter)

Bulbasaur, Charmander, Squirtle, Oddish, Bellsprout, Ponyta, Vulpix, Starmie, Goldeen, Geodude, Jigglypuff, Clafairy, Koffing, Ekans

Step 3 choose a name and e-mail it all to me at [email protected]

So join and don't forget that your support is very worthwhile.