- Title: Barrymore DM (BETA) - A Quake 3 Arena mod - Author: Darren Coleman ([email protected])

Installation notes: ------------------

- Unzip the accompanying 'barrymore-q3.zip' file into your main /Quake3 directory. You should be left with a directory structure like this:

/Quake3 |-baseq3 |-barrymore | |-vm |...

- Create a shortcut to your Quake3.exe file, and modify the properties of the shortcut so the 'Target' portion reads as follows:

E:\Quake3\quake3.exe +set fs_game barrymore +map q3dm17

(where E:\ is whichever drive you have Quake3 installed on)

(You probably need to specify a starting map to load because otherwise you will get dropped at the main Quake3Arena menu)

- Enjoy!

Feedback, suggestions, comments: ------------------------------- [email protected]

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