Welcome to my Rurouni Kenshin image gallery!!
Many people might not have seen this anime yet but it's awesome.
If you have never seen this anime I suggest buying the first part of the series which
is labeled Samurai X.  It tells the story of Kenshin and how he became
a wanderer, and how he learned his sword style, the Hiten Mitsurugi.


Kenshin Pics
The side of Kenshin's face.
Close up on Kenshin's face(shows eyes).
Kenshin with red eyes.
Kenshin smiling.
Kenshin mad.
A front pic of Kenshin.

                         Kaoru Pics
Kaoru smiling.
Kaoru looking down.
Funny pic of Kaoru.
Just a pic of Kaoru.

Sanosuke pics
Sanosuke all bandaged up.
Sanosuke charging.
Sanosuke cutting down trees.
Sanosuke smiling.
Sanosuke when he was little.
Sanosuke jumping with his sword.
Sanosuke with his eyes closed holding his sword.
Sanosuke MAD.
Sanosuke looking to the side.
Sanosuke getting beat up.
Sanosuke getting beat up2.

Yahiko Pics
A pic of Yahiko.
Side view.
Side view 2.
Front view.
Yahiko with mouth open.



group pics
Kenshin, Kaoru, and Yahiko.(funny)
Funny group 2.


That's all for now! Thanks for visiting.
visitors since 11/21/00