Clefairy #35

Type: Normal
Catch: Both Red and Blue Versions
Here is the attack list
A rare type of Pokémon, Clefairy are found in
     only two places other than Mt. Moon — so
     make sure to search Mt. Moon extensively for
     one when you arrive. As the game progresses,
     Clefairy evolve into Clefable.

     TYPE: Normal
     HEIGHT: .6 m
     WEIGHT: 7.5 kg
     EVOLUTION: Clefairy-Clefable
Level        Attack        Type

---            POUND        NRM
---            GROWL    NRM
13            SING    NRM
18            DOUBLESLAP       NRM
24            MINIMIZE        NRM
31            METRNOME        NRM
39            DEFENSE CURL        NRM
48            LIGHT SCREEN      PSY