Jigglypuff #39

Type: Normal
Catch: Both Red and Blue Versions
Here is the attack list

     These Pokémon are rare and deceptive:
     Although they're cute and cuddly in
     appearance, the Jigglypuff Sing attack will
     send even the toughest Pokémon to
     dreamland, rendering defenses useless.

     TYPE: Normal
     HEIGHT: .5 m
     WEIGHT: 5.5 kg
     EVOLUTION: Jigglypuff-Wigglytuff
Level        Attack        Type

---            SING       NRM
             POUND    NRM
14            DISABLE    NRM
19            DEFENSE CURL        NRM
24            DOUBLESLAP        NRM
29            REST        PSY
34            BODY SLAM        NRM
39            DOUBLE-EDGE        NRM