Pikachu #25

Catch: Both Red and Blue Versions
Here is the attack list
These mouse-like creatures are among the
     most sought-after Pokémon. Trainers often
     have a hard time keeping several Pikachu in
     one place, however, because a high
     concentration of Pikachu will trigger electrical
     disturbances in the atmosphere. Pikachu
     evolve into Raichu with the use of the Thunder

     TYPE: Electric
     HEIGHT: .4 m
     WEIGHT: 6 kg
     EVOLUTION: Pichu-Pikachu-Raichu
Level        Attack        Type

---            THUNDERSHOCK        ELC
---            GROWL        NRM
9              THUNDER WAVE          ELC
16            QUICK ATTACK        NRM
26            SWIFT        NRM
33            AGILITY        PSY
43            THUNDER        ELC