Offensive Equipment for EarthBound
This is my EarthBound Offensive Equipment
Chart hope you like it.

GB=Found in Gift Box SH=Shop PE=Person give it to
you EN=Get from enemy ()Where to find before repair
Off.Up=Offense Up E/R=Miss rate Lo=Location Com=Comments
*=Can only sell

Ness's Weapons

Cracked Bat:$18 Off.Up 4 E/R 1/16
Com Ness's first weapons Lo=GB

Tee Ball Bat:$48 Off.Up 8 E/R 1/16 Lo=SH

Sand Lot Bat:$98 Off.Up 15 E/R 1/16 Lo=SH

Minor League Bat:$399 Off.Up 26 E/R 1/16

Mr.Baseball Bat:$498 Off.Up 38 E/R 1/16 Lo=SH

T-Rex Bat:$698 Off.Up 48 E/R 1/16 Lo=SH

Big League Bat:$3038 Off.Up 54 E/R 1/16

Hall of Fame Bat:$*1880 Off.Up 62 E/R 1/16

Ultimate Bat:$2298 Off.Up 68 E/R 1/16 Lo=SH

Magnicant Bat:$0 Off.Up 80 E/R 1/16 Lo=GB

Legendary Bat:$0 Off.Up 110 E/R 1/16 Lo=GB

Gusty Bat:$*2980 Off.Up 100 E/R 1/16 Com=
Increases Guts 127. Get from Kraken Lo=EN

Casey Bat:$38 Off.Up 125 E/R 3/4 Com=Lots
of power but you'll miss more Lo=EN

Paula's Weapons

Fry Pan:$56 Off.Up 10 E/R 1/16 Com=Her first
weapon Lo=SH

Thick Fry Pan:$198 Off.Up 20 E/R 1/16 Lo=SH

Deluxe Fry Pan:$598 Off.Up 30 E/R 1/16 Lo=SH

Chef's Fry Pan:$1198 Off.Up 40 E/R 1/16 Lo=SH

Non-Stick Fry Pan:$1490 Off.Up 50 E/R 1/16 Lo=SH

French Fry Pan:$1790 Off.Up 60 E/R 1/16 Lo=SH

Magic Fry Pan:$*4790 Off.Up 50 E/R 1/4 Com=
Increase Gut 100 miss often Lo=EN,Chompasaur

Holy Fry Pan:$3480 Off.Up 80 E/R 1/16 Com=Gut Up 10

Poo's Weapon

Sword of Kings:$0 Off.Up 30 E/R 0/0 Com=Poo's ultimate
weapon Lo=EN,Starm Super

Jeff's Weapons

Pop Gun:$*110 Off.Up 16 E/R 0/0 Com=Jeff's First
Weapon Lo=GB

Stun Gun:$*150 Off.Up 24 E/R 0/0 Lo=GB

Toy Air Gun:$215 Off.Up 32 E/R 0/0 Lo=SH

Magnum Air Gun:$0 Off.Up 36 E/R 0/0 Com=
Fix Broke Toy Air Gun Lo=(GB)

Zip Gun:$425 Off.Up 40 E/R 0/0 Lo=SH

Laser Gun:$0 Off.Up 48 E/R 0/0 Com=Fix Broke Laser

Hyper Beam:$850 Off.Up 58 E/R 0/0 Lo=SH

Double Beam:$*1000 Off.Up 66 E/R 0/0 Com=Fix Broken Gagdet

Crusher Beam:$1150 Off.Up 72 E/R 0/0 Lo=SH

Spectrum Beam:$*1650 Off.Up 78 E/R 0/0 Com=Fix Broke Cannon

Death Ray:$*2300 Off.Up 90 E/R 0/0 Lo=GB

Baddest Beam:$0 Off.Up 98 E/R 0/0 Com=Fix Broke Harmonica

Moon Beam Gun:$*4450 Off.Up 110 E/R 0/0 Lo=GB

Gaia Beam:$0 Off.Up 125 E/R 0/0 Com=Fix Broke Antennae
Lo=EN,Uncontrollable Sphere


Yo-Yo:$29 Off.Up 6 E/R 3/16 Lo=SH

Sling Shot:$89 Off.Up 12 E/R 3/16 Lo=SH

Bionic Sling Shot:$449 Off.Up 32 E/R 3/16

Trick Yo-Yo:$998 Off.Up 46 E/R 3/16 Lo=SH

Combat Yo-Yo:$1148 Off.Up 54 E/R 3/16 Lo=SH

When Poo equips any of these his offense go down

PSI Ablities

PSI Special: Ness, 40-960 damage

PSI Fire: Paula, 60-400 damage

PSI Freeze: Paula Poo, 135-900 damage

PSI Thunder: Paula Poo, 60-300 damage

PSI Flash: Ness, makes enemy Cry, feel strange,
feel numb, and become unconsciousness

PSI Starstrom: Poo, 270-900 damage

Life Up: Ness Poo, Restores 75-375 a and b,
y is full recovery, Omega restores 300-500 to
every one

Heal: Ness Poo, heals all ailments

PSI Magnet: Paula Poo, takes PP from enemy
and gives it to them

Sheild: Ness Poo, covers the party with a
sheild that takes half damage off physical
hits, the other reflects hits

Physic Shelid: Paula, same as above except
from magic

Offense Up: Paula, raises one or all of the
parties offense up

Defense Down: Paula, lowers all or one of
the enemies defense down

Hyponsis: Ness, puts a enemy or enemies
to sleep

Paralysis: Ness, makes all or one enemy
go numb

Brain Shock: Poo, puts one or all of the
enemies feeling strange

Teleport: Ness Poo, portals to any visited

Sources from Nintendo EarthBound PlayerGuide

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