In level 6 of the
dungeons, you will find a staircase that leads up to the
chamber of bone. If you wish to do this quest, make sure
you have a lot of potions of health and go up the stairs. When you reach
there, you are surrounded on all sides except one. Go
through that side and you will be attack by a few
skeletons--no problem yet. Keep preceding but do not go
through the door yet. go to the left first a dispose of
the horned demons.
Now pull the lever.
A door has now opened on the other side of the map. Go to
the other side of the map and destroy the other demons.
go into the door that was opened and open the chest. Pick
up the items. Now pull the other lever and another door
will open. Do the same.
Now you are ready
to open the door at the center of the room. Stay behind
the door like in the picture and attack. No matter what
class you are, I highly recommend you do this or else ALL
the other seletons will esccape and attack you too! Just
keep attacking and after a long time you will be done.
Proceed through the door and clear all the other enemies.
Now go through the
next door and into the giant hall. Annihilate the
remaining enemies and read the Ancient Tomb. A 3-headed
dragon will pop out of the ground. Now you have finished
the test and have learnt Guardian.