Quaking Anecdotes

   I've done and seen some truly amazing things playing Quake. I've also heard some very funny stories, many of which I'm actually inclined to believe! One of the coolest things I ever did was something that happened three or four years ago in Summerville, South Carolina. I was playing against my friend Aaron Killen at the time (he's the guy that got me into Quake and Nine Inch Nails) at his house. We were using the Future vs. Fantasy mod, and even though he slaughtered me, it was awesome! I'd never played against a real person before that day...I kept sniping him with the Sniper character class, he kept throwing darts at me as a ninja....

Those were the days, eh?

   I've botted on a few, (extremely) rare occasions. I don't anymore, at least, not unless it's to fight Greep Knight (and I've come to the conclusion that this is pointless). Anyway, on one of the few times I did bot, we were playing in DM3, which is the Cistern, I believe. Anyway, I got the rune of Haste and a rocket launcher with 100 rounds. The frag limit on Gooland is 45 (at which point the server toggles randomly to the next map). I got 45 frags (or kills, if you prefer) in one minute and fifty-two seconds. To put it mildly, the jig was up!

   The Haste rune helped the bot out immensely. The autoaim of the Stoogebot is not perfect and does not always lead properly. With Haste, the bot simply pumps out rounds until every viable target ceases to be one. I managed, somehow, to pick up enough rockets in my travels to keep up the pace, but that rocket launcher fired constantly for those two minutes. I simply ran in circles! Hehehehehe..........

   There's a map, the name escapes me, in which there is a spiral vertical tunnel that leads to the rune and exit for a level. Cisco and I call this camp the well, as there is a spawning point at the bottom of the "well." We arm up and then go chill at the bottom of the well and then open up on the defenseless players. Well, this camp works rather well, but there is a serious weakness to this camp. At the top of the well is an opening to the rest of the map. Believe me, when this camp works, Cisco and I tick off the rest of the players.

   This one time they came after us, like six or so. All I remember clearly is the absolutely frightening site of a few dozen grenades being ejected from their launchers down the well. I got taken out within a second or two, but I did bag one of them (hehe).

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