Anyway, within this musty tome you shall find all manner of advice on how to play Classic Quake. I beg your indulgence, as I lack any serious ability in handling HTML as yet, but I'll try to give you guys who, for whatever mental health reasons, are checking out my page.
Quake is a creation of ID Software, those kooky guys who originally broughtus such games as Wolfenstein and the unforgettable DooM (and all the sequels thereof). All of these games fall under the collective genre known as first-person shooters. Basically, what this means is that the player (ie, the guy at the controls) sees, on the computer screen, a pretty good approximation of what he'd be seeing if he, or she, would be seeing within the world of the game. That covers the "first-person" part of the name. The shooter part is fairly self-explanatory. You carry weapons, mostly guns, and, well, you shoot things! Simple in design, elegant in form, this game is a great way to vent those competitive urges we all have. Many have argued that it causes violence, which is horrible logic, but we'll come to that later.