Chrono Trigger

Chrono Trigger

Chrono Trigger was Squaresoft's most popular non-Final Fantasy hit, moreso than the Seiken Densetsu series it launched a long time ago (In America, the 2 notables of the SD series are Secret of Mana and Legend of Mana). Anyways, Chrono Trigger was a classic hit in both Japan and America. It completely revolutionized RPG gameplay with time traveling, and Square even thought of adding neat little gimmicks such as being able to open chests in the future, then go back in the past and open them for double treasure! Chrono Trigger also brought the 3 party system, and also shrunk the cast considerably. But perhaps the most memorable feature of this game are the numerous endings depending on what events have occured in the game before you beat it. This game is a classic and is definitely worth trying.

- the walkthrough.
- lists for the game. Like weapons, armor, that kinda stuff.
- a closer look at the game.
OST Review
- the Original Sound Track review.
CT Rom
- the rom.
- the (SNES) emulator needed to run the rom.
No translation utilities necessary for this rom