
Why are we moving to Trammel and not staying in Felucca?

Two answers:

There's the true reason and the storyline reason.

True (and obvious) reason: There's MORE FREE LAND and PLENTY of it! Why not?!

Storyline reason:

When Orsiris was Mondain's apprentice, Minax was his lover. Yes, Minax... the Minax that is taking over the Felucca facet right now. Orsiris loved Minax like a mother. When he was young, she took care of him more than Mondain ever could. She cared for him. Orsiris had lost all contact with Minax when Mondain was slain by the Avatar because he fled in fear of being slain himself. Orsiris was then forced to move on for when he returned, Minax was nowhere to be found. He thought she had been killed along with her love. Orsiris was filled with rage and he vowed revenge.

Minax... that was a name Orsiris had not heard in years... many years. He was hearing that name more and more every day no matter where he went. He was shocked. Minax was not dead after all! Orsiris was older now... much older. He was an elderly man now. The rage from his youth had died but was still with him in his soul... or what seemed to be left of it. Orsiris was still filled with hatred and was ready to carry out his long-awaited attack of revenge after Hex has doubled in size but he had a change of mind when he heard about Minax's sudden devastating attack on Britannia. Minax had risen from the darkness with an army of countless vile beasts. Trolls, orcs, liches, zombies... Orsiris was filled with awe. He knew his attack would have been pitiful compared to hers. She had done his work for him though. He was overly satisfied with her work and his rage had soon died. However, his heart was still dark as coal. This event couldn't turn him around completely. He was permanantly scarred by his life of misery of being an outcast from the first day he ventured out. He wished to live on his cursed life elsewhere. If Minax found him she would have probably recruited him into her army. Orsiris did not want to be known as a partner or servant. He knew he was more than that and he did not want to live in Minax's shadow. He still loved Minax though. He could not forget what she had done for him. Orsiris followed a rushing crowd to the Trammel facet to escape Minax's wrath and succeeded. He looked at the bare land when he arrived and decided to build himself a house to hold all his possesions and bring his dark group closer. He knew was not much without them. Orsiris thought about nothing but Minax's power when he stepped foot on the new lands though. Orsiris had a new plan in mind as he began building his secret fortress... to take over Trammel! Orsiris had much work to do.
