"COACH" John Guido born and raised near Shinnston, W.Va., graduated from Fairmont State College and W.Va. University, taught and coached in the Duval County School System in Jacksonville, Fla. for 32 years. Looking for a method to make learning enjoyable and more fun: for his own children as well as his students, he came up with the idea for this game. His family, friends and students have played and enjoyed the game for years. "We know you will find it educational and also enjoyable"
TONY WARE - Former Instructor, Kent State University, OH and Salem College, W.Va. "A fun game that's educational: an educational game that's fun!"
JERRY DISCH - Dir. of Athletics, Duval County, Jacksonville, Fla. "A challenge fun game for a non-game person. It took a while to get out of the DUNCE category but after that, it was a real challenge."
BEN GUIDO, Ed. S. - Asst. Prof. of Education, Alderson Broaddus College, Philippi, W.Va. "Coach's Categories is intellectually stimulating, unique in concept and down right FUN." A challenge game for all kids, 8 to 80!!
DON VINCENT - Former Athlete W.Va. University, Teacher/Parent/Businessman, Shinnston, W.Va. "An interesting, challenging game that can be enjoyed by all ages for hours and hours.