Ok people, here is a sample program for Assignment 1. It has several features that you could play around with. You may choose to see what is expected for a PASS grade, or A grade program. This program is based on 3 classes. Biorhythm_report, Biorhythm and My_date classes. It is pretty obvious which does what. You don't have to do everything you see in the A grade program to actually obtain an A grade. Most of those features are there to show you some of the things that can be done with such a program like biorhythm. A few things you should check out and think about when doing this assignment program. 1. Most of your programs will work for a valid date, or even an invalid date upto a certain extent (eg. 32/11/1943). But can your program handle extreme clumsiness / stupidity by the user? eg. - 123/11/1943 - 12/11/ 1923 - 10/-9/1999 - 2p0/2/1000 2. mmm.... I'll add more when I find them... :-) Any suggestions or comments are welcomed. Have fun !!!
MELTED.EIF -- Right click this link and choose "Save Link As..."
Download both files, then put them in the same directory, and execute ass1.exe