1. What does the following Eiffel program do ?
class MAIN creation make feature make is local number : INTEGER i : INTEGER do io.read_integer number := io.last_integer from i := 1 until i > number loop if (number \\ i = 0) then io.put_integer(i) io.put_character(' ') end i := i + 1 end io.new_line end end
Try stepping through it assuming the number read in is 5 or 6.
2. Newton's method for finding the square root of a number k works as follows. Start with x = k. Figure out ((x^2)+k)/(2x) and use this for x. Put x back into the formula, and get a new x. Keep doing this, and the value of x approaches the square root of k
3. If we were writing software for a bank, we might have an ACCOUNT class. What sort of features should an ACCOUNT have ?
Think about what sort of things we need to find out about accounts (functions), and what sort of things we need to do to accounts (procedures).