To use the cheat just press ENTER and then type it in and then press ENTER again.
Coinage 1000gold
Quarry 1000stone
Woodstock 1000wood
Pepperoni pizza 1000food
Icbm Ballistas get 100 range
Hoyohoyo Priests move faster and get 600 hit point
Big bertha Catapults have longer range and more hit points
Homerun Win the level
Reveal map Entire map
No fog Disables fogs
Jack be nimble Catapults are throwing villagers and cows
Diediedie Kills everyone exept you and you will win
Steroids Build faster structures and units and faster uppgrades
Medusa When a villager die he turns into a medusa and if he die again he turns into a black rider and if ha die again he turns into a  catapult
Flying dutchman Juggernauts can move on land
Kill player x (Where x is the number of the player you want to die  Kills a player
Photon man A man whit a laser gun
E=mc2 trooper A man whit a rocket launcher
Bigdaddy Car whit rocket launcher
Harikari Suicide
Resign You resign