Unwind Gamer HTTP://www.uq.edu.au/~zzlreid/games.html SkyNET Cheat Codes ------------------ Hit ALT and \ at the same time to be able to enter these codes: GARBLE Garble cheat codes toggle SUPERUZI Get the Super UZI ICANTSEE Show viewscreen WHOAMI Shows your name COUNTERS Shows current co-ordinates VERSION Shows version HELLO Shows message: Hello? ILLBEBACK - Skip to next level (There is only one level so it ends mission.) ARNOLD - Gives ALL the weapons!!! here is few more cheats in Skynet: nitrous = unlimited time slugs = more weapons target = target lock supertracker = tracker willnotstop = god mode joycam - 3rd person view surgery - ful armour and health In Europe you have to push ALT and # where as in other versions you have to push ALT and \