
A bid of 4NT (when it is obvious that 4NT is not a natural bid) is asking partner, "Hey! Got any aces??" Partner's responses will be:

1. 5 clubs. "I either have no aces, or I have all four aces...can you guess?" LOL Actually, your guess will be an educated one. You will know from the bidding.

2. 5 diamonds. "I only have one ace, partner".

3. 5 hearts. "Two. I got two aces".

4. 5 spades. "WOW! Look at this!! Three aces!!".

If any of the above proves interesting, partner may continue the Blackwood bid with 5NT, asking for kings. The responses would be the same, except on the six level. If partner decides not to pursue asking for kings, the contract should be placed in the agreed upon suit at the level partner believes the contract should be played.

Some partnerships agree that a jump to the six level over the 4NT bid shows the number of aces held AND a void (obviously not a void in the trump suit). Example: Partner bids 6 hearts over the 4NT promising two aces and a void.

The Bidding Box

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