Smolen is used over partner's opening 1NT to show game-going values and a five-four distribution in the majors. Smolen will allow the 1NT bidder to be the declarer (most of the time). It is an easy bid and well worth playing. After partner opens 1NT and you have bid Stayman holding the following
Axxxx ~~~ Kxxxx ~~~ Qx ~~~ Kx
and partner responds with 2D denying a four-card major, responder will jump to the three level in his four-card major. This will show four cards in the bid major, and five cards in the other major. Using the example above, after hearing 2D from partner, your response would be 3H. That will say, "Partner, I have four hearts, five spades, and game going points!" Partner may now bid game in your five card major with three card support, or simply bid 3NT.
The Bidding Box
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