CHUNK: "Alright so Micheal Jackson didn't go to my house to use the bathroom...but his sister did!"

ANDIE: "I'm not exactly Liberace here!"

ANDIE: "I can't tell if that's a B-sharp or a B-flat."
MIKEY: "If you mess up, we'll all be flat."

MIKEY: "It's okay. Goonies make mistakes. Just don't make anymore."

BRAND: "Mikey you tell it almost as corny as dad."

CHUNK: "Awww shit!"

STEPH: "You know, your voice is kind of nice...when your words don't mess it up."
MOUTH: "Your looks are kinda' pretty when your face doesn't mess it up."

DATA: "Oh I know Troy, he's such a cheap guy."

MOUTH: (In Spanish) "Don't ever go up there. That's where Mr. Walsh keeps his sexual torture devices."

MIKEY: (Talking about the penis of the statue) "That's her most favorite part!"
MOUTH: (Doing a Groucho impression) "You wouldn't be here if it wasn't."

MIKEY: "You guys! It's upside down!" (Again talking about the penis of the statue)
BRAND: "If God meant for it to be that way, we'd all be pissing in our faces."

BRAND: "I'm gonna hit you so hard when you wake up your clothes'll be outta' style!"

TROY'S FATHER: (Talking very slowly as if to little children) "Is your mommy home?"
BRAND: (Sarcasticly) "No she's buying pampers for all us kids."

MOUTH: "Andie's mom will have to give you a ride, then you'll have to make it with her AND her mom!"

CHUNK: "We just encountered these really DISGUSTING people! The Fratelli' might of heard of them."


MOUTH: (In Spanish) "And remember to always seperate the drugs!"

MOUTH: (in Spanish) "If you don't do a good job of cleaning, they'll lock you in the basement with the rats and the cockroaches."


MIKEY: "What are you doing?"
DATA: "A'm settin boovy twaps."
MIKEY: "Oh you mean booby traps."
DATA: "Tha's wha I sai boovy twaps!"

STEPH: "Uh Brand. God put that rock there for a reason. I don't think you should go and move it."


MOUTH: "Or we can spread chocalate all over the floor, and Chunk can eat his was through!"

(Data fell down a trap door, and then a flight of stairs is shown next to the hole)
BRAND: "Why didn't you just use the stairs?"

(Chunk, and the gang have found their way out of the cave and are greeted by their parents. His parents in particular, are holding something for him.)
CHUNK: "Aww! You guys remembered!" (He then starts chomping on some pizza his family brought)

MOUTH: (Chunk is at the door) "Jerk alert."

CHUNK: "Come on guys, let me in!"

MOUTH: "First you have to do the truffle shuffle."
CHUNK: "Come on."

ROSALITA: "My God, I'm in a crazy house."

MRS.WALSH: "I don't want your brother coming down with asthma."
BRAND: "We should put him in a big bubble."

MRS.WALSH: "If he steps outside for one minute you'll be in deep...deep..."
BRAND: "Shit, mom."
MRS.WALSH: "I don't like that language but that's exactly what you'll be in."

MOUTH: "Mikey, come over here and give me a nice slippery kiss."

MIKEY: "You guys listen to me damnit that's his stuff!"

MIKEY: "Dad told me all about One Eyed Willy!"
BRAND: "Dad'd do anything to get you to go sleep."

BRAND: "When they knock over our house I hope they make it into a sand trap."

BRAND: "If I let you outside mom will ground my ass."

MIKEY: "That's his most favoriteist thing!"
MOUTH: "Now it's his most flattest thing!"

MS.WALSH: "Can't you learn to exercise like a normal kid? You're hyper-ventriloquating."

BRAND: "God! What is wrong with you people?"

CHUNK: "What if they're not customers? WHAT IF THEY'RE DRUG DEALERS!"

MOUTH: "This is a summer place? It looks like it hasn't been open in 10 summers!"

CHUNK: "If we don't get out of here there's gonna be some...hostage crisises!"

MIKEY: "Thank you sir...I MEAN MAM!"

MAMA FRATELLI: "Kids suck."

STEPH: "Hey Mouth you looked better from behind."

MOUTH: "You wanna see something REALLY scary Check this out." (shows her a mirror)

MOUTH: "Hey Chunk. I've got some naked pictures of your mom, taking a bath. Wanna' buy them?
MOUTH: "Real cheap."

STEPH: "I feel like I'm babysitting except I'm not getting paid."

CHUNK: "That's all I can stand, and I can't stand no more (He knocks over the water bottle)
CHUNK: "I've got it, I've got it (It breaks) I don't got it."
ALL: "You klutz!"
CHUNK: "I hope that wasn't a deposit bottle!"

MIKEY: "Do you hear that?" (There's the sound of water going down something hollow)
BRAND: "So what?"
MOUTH: "Yah, it sounds like my grandfather taking a leak."

CHUNK: "You guys are crazy! You're destructive! There's a funny farm with your name written on it! But I'm getting outta' here! Because........I smell ice cream."

MIKEY: "Let's"
ANDY: "Get"
DATA: "out of here!"
STEPH: "Like now!"

CHUNK: (crying) "Once I went to a summer camp for fat kids, and I went all crazy and started pigging out and they kicked me out!!!!"

MIKEY: "Down here it's our time! But that's all over once we ride up Troy's bucket."

CHUNK: "Man you smell like fish heads!"

BRAND: "Why couldn't I have a little sister? Why couldn't I have a little sister instead of...THAT!"

STEPH: "What the hell is that?"

ANDIE: "Does Brand have braces?"

CHUNK: "I'm captin Chunk! And Captin Chunk says let's get the hell out of here!"

MAMA FRATELLI: "I only dropped you once! Well maybe twice."