The Beginning...

The Recent Past:

Barak, the young warrior shaman from the Frozen Steppes, has been led southward by his spirit guide, the Kodiak Totem, to the "place wheresilver falls." On his journey he meets Malus Kohlgar, a young dwarven warrior on a scouting expedition. The two warriors strike up an immediate friendship and Malus agrees to guide Barak to Silverfalls Lake.

Meanwhile. the Emerald Throne of Fallia has sent a cadre of elves to investigte recent outbreaks of fell creatures. The elves search the Misty River to its head where they encounter Barak and Malus. Kailin Sykora, a druid and hedge wizard new to his powers, along with his longtimefriend Elshon Caelison, a youthful elven ranger is directed to journey with the two travelers and continue the investigation.

On another road, Avenlier Xavier Everseer has been journeying to Silverfalls to continue an investigation of his own. Near silverfalls Lier comes upon a gypsy dragging all his possessions in an ironbound box. Giovanni, the ex-gypsy, is a genuine escape artis recently banished from his troupe and out to find his fortune. Joining to gether for safety the two continue on to Silverfalls.


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Giovanni and Lier stop for a meal and drink at a small inn along the Silver River. William, his wife Clara and their son Roy, run the Laughing Dog, a quiet and tidy business 3 days to the west of Silverfalls and always welcome weary travelers. The group led by Barak arrives at the Laughing Dog just in time for the evening meal. Malus and Lier become reacquanted and recount the story of how Lier helped apprehend a merchant cheating the dwarves of Silverfalls. Everyone enjoys a drink and are waitng on their food when Giovanni demonstrates his skill at escaping form tight situations. Suddenly, about half way through Giovanni's show several armed figures burst through the windows and door.