Famous Words
"I'm an escapologist."- The Amazing Giovanni, when asked what he does.
"You yell out and I'll come save you."- Barak Moonshadow, when he was asked by Elshon what would happen if he got attacked.
"Did they have pigs with them?"- Elshon Caelison, when asking Malus why he went along with the 3 strange women in the middle of nowhere.
"I tackle it."- Brudik Two Skies, his plan of attack for the wyvern diving at the party.
"Next time don't touch it."- Kailin Sykora, after barely surviving the magical detonation caused by Malus' experiments with the giant red mana crystal in the Singing Ruins.
"I hang upside down over buring nails and escape from ropes."- The Amazing Giovanni, explaining why he isn't a fighter. "Burning nails?"- Everyone else's response to this statement.
"Kailinitis-Mental condition causing the person afflicted to reveal secret information to just about anybody."-Unkown.
"You're the smart one."-Unknown.
"I'd kick you in the nuts...and I got a big foot."-Aaron Butell, real life
"No claims."-Yuth, explaining how the group didn't need to worry about anyone making claims on the artifacts found in the Library Ship.