Hall of Heroes

Brudik Two Skies

Fodran 1, 2095 to Fodran 33, 2114

Brudiks's service of the Great Mother and the spirit of the Badger led him through many adventures and to several trusted companions. He gave his life to reunite the pieces of Pathwalker's Spear and to return it to his people, preparing them for the darkness to come. He now trades tales with Jemmis Great Heart, Jondlin Pathwalker and other centaur heroes in Camp of Honor.

Kailin Sykora

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Yes, Kailin was the best of us all. True to himself and his companions. Without his guidance I fear we may be lost. We each need to find some small piece of his strength in ourselves and muster the resolve to carry on, to continue the fight no matter what the whims of fate throws at us. We must endure for who else will stand in our places against the coming darkness. If we surrender now it does his brave spirit no justice. The side of light has lost one great champion today I say let it not lose another. I for one am dedicating myself to realising his dream. To see an end to this demonic influence in our world. I shall stand against the powers of darkness. WHO SHALL STAND WITH ME?-eulogy by Gr'aath